Author Topic: Suggestion: Hands up command?  (Read 2292 times)

Well, let me put it this way.
In jail rps or that stuff, you get people saying stuff like "HANDS UP!", the person they say it to either sits down and crouch like this:

or they just are like "forget you" and walk away.
What I'm thinking of is that why don't we try something like /hug except it's /handsup and would make the hands go up to the player's head.
Because I don't think in real life you would sit down on your ass then put your hands up. :cookieMonster:

But really, would that be possible?

i imagine it would be possible

should be bindable to a key and have a short command too, like /up

thing is, is the hug script setting the hand's position or is it playing an animation

if it's an animation, we'd need to make a completely new animation for this one.

thing is, is the hug script setting the hand's position or is it playing an animation
Just setting the hands to a position.

thing is, is the hug script setting the hand's position or is it playing an animation

if it's an animation, we'd need to make a completely new animation for this one.
/hug plays the armReadyBoth animation.

/hug plays the armReadyBoth animation.

ok, then we need a new animation. or like armreadyboth x2

i would also like a flailarms command pls

I would also like a flail arms command please.
That's easy.
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdFlail(%client);
%client.player.playThread(1, activate2);

Nobody seems to want to use Nexus server command gui, you can do so much with it D:
I've now keybound /warp, arm flailing, and that animation bug that looks like you're doing the worm

Nobody seems to want to use Nexus server command gui, you can do so much with it D:
I've now keybound /warp, arm flailing, and that animation bug that looks like you're doing the worm
Warp is already key bound without the Server Command GUI.

Nobody seems to want to use Nexus server command gui, you can do so much with it D:
I've now keybound /warp, arm flailing, and that animation bug that looks like you're doing the worm
i have it, i just dont know how to code.

That's easy.

thank you

EDIT: didn't work, changing that %client to a %server and seeing if that works

still didn't work... ugh
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 04:07:44 PM by hodototman »

still didn't work... ugh
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdFlail(%client)
%client.player.playThread(1, activate2);

try that

So would it be possible to do this? It's not that I'm wanting it (I'll have no use for it.) but maybe for other players who host jail rps?

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdFlail(%client)
%client.player.playThread(1, activate2);

try that
Oh lol. I accidentally put a ; after function serverCmdFlail(%client). :P

You could make a client cmd to toggle sit and hold shift