Author Topic: Atheist are stupid and I hate them all.  (Read 3617 times)

LOL CHRISTIANS ARE SO STUPID IM A MAN OF SCIENCE LOLOLOL. You say all Christians talk about is god all you talk about is not believing in god and how stupid it is..  

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« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 04:23:50 PM by Badspot »

No no I see it all over these forums some idiot says LOL GOD IS SO STUPID.

Better lock this quick and we'll all forget it was created.

Someone please Drama this guy. It's getting ridiculous.

You guys always say LOL CHRISTIANS ARE SO STUPID IM A MAN OF SCIENCE LOLOLOL. You say all Christians talk about is god yet all you atheists talk about is not believing in god and how stupid it is.
added english.

No no I see it all over these forums some idiot says LOL GOD IS SO STUPID.
the only idiot i see doing it is you.

Better lock this quick and we'll all forget it was created.
No, people need to know how stupid they are.

I hope you get banned for this

He's trying to start a stuffstorm.

I would drama him but it will backfire.

He's trying to start a stuffstorm.
He does in all his topics. I smell troll?