Author Topic: Organ Donation - Opinions and Discussions  (Read 6467 times)

I think it's a generous thing to do. I know when I die I'm not going to need them anymore. I want my healthy pancreas to go to a kid suffering with diabetes should I die.

I think it's a generous thing to do. I know when I die I'm not going to need them anymore. I want my healthy pancreas to go to a kid suffering with diabetes should I die.

But it wouldn't do anything, they would just not have diabetes for a year or so and then their body would ruin a perfectly good pancreas.

At the moment I'm not because my gf was SUPER anti-donor. But she was a selfish bitch, so now that she isn't a problem, I need to tell the DMV people that I wanna have the donor heart on my license. I still have my permit cause I'm a lazy friend
why would you change something like that be side of a girlfriend? :I

But it wouldn't do anything, they would just not have diabetes for a year or so and then their body would ruin a perfectly good pancreas.
Well so much for that. At least the other organs can go to someone else.

Well so much for that. At least the other organs can go to someone else.
I need you to donate your appendix to me

Well so much for that. At least the other organs can go to someone else.

The only thing I wouldn't like donating is the eyes. I don't know why it just seems weird. I mean I'll be dead so it won't matter but dead people eyes are creepy.

I need you to donate your appendix to me

Maybe a spleen and a gulbladder too.

I've had family members who have died from organ failure that could have been solved with an organ transplant.

There is no rational explanation why people do not choose to be organ donors. You do not need them after you die. It is impossible to 'live on' in another person by giving them your organ because the only one that grants you consciousness is the human brain.


Not really.
-insert longpost-

Enough people to populate a small city — over 100,000 — are waiting for an organ donation in the United States. Unfortunately, thousands never get the call saying that a suitable donor organ — and a second chance at life — has been found.

Notice how I said that the number of people who signed to have their organs donated may greatly exceed those who need them. I didn't mention whether or not they could use them.
If matches for organ transplants are so rare and judging by this thread, wouldn't this just be a tacked on way of making people feel self glorified, even in death?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 10:51:29 PM by Deadzone »


if they ever figure out how to bring people back to life, i may need all my parts

youll probably decompose by then

Notice how I said that the number of people who signed to have their organs donated may greatly exceed those who need them. I didn't mention whether or not they could use them.
If matches for organ transplants are so rare and judging by this thread, wouldn't this just be a tacked on way of making people feel self glorified, even in death?
this comment really confuses me.

i assume what you mean is since we are clearly in no shortage of organs, becoming an organ donor is just a way to make people feel good about themselves.

to which i retort that you can never have too many organs; we always need more and if we don't need them presently we may in the future.

Organ donations should be done forcefully. We don't need them when we die, other people do. What's the drawback that people don't want to aid their fellow man after death?

we are clearly in no shortage of organs
yes we are
like there are 100x more organ donors than organ needers, but you need to die to have the organ transplanted

and not a lot of people die

yes we are
like there are 100x more organ donors than organ needers, but you need to die to have the organ transplanted

and not a lot of people die
ur dumb.
i wasnt saying that.
i was saying that he was saying that.

The only reason I'm not an organ donor is because if I checked yes on the form asking if I wanted to be I would have had to fill out like a half sheet of paperwork

I'm an organ donor. Why not? Why would I need them when I'm dead? That's just a waste of perfectly good organs.