Author Topic: spencer2015 - omg creeps in blockland it's the end of the world!!!!  (Read 6938 times)

This guy is on my nerves. He recently posted a drama on the wrong board about some person being a child enthusiast. Little to no proof in the pictures in addition to "i can't get more proof because i had to go on another key to get back to the server" backs up the topic's stupidity.

He also responded to the wrong section comments with "ill just wait for this to be moved". Thanks for making the admin's jobs harder, starfish.

Snow2 predictabley responded with a joke about spencer's avatar, two people responded with the joke, then he got pissed off and said "this is not to be joked about sick forgets". Excuse me? Snow started something irrevelant to the topic. If you think that snow's avatar joke crap like that has a connection to creeps, you have to be stupid or something.

In the end, spencer locked the drama with a rule-breaking comment. Oh yeah, don't expect quotes or anything, he likes to lock topics at light speed. Also, he has a history of idioticy; just look at his posts.


Spencer is about as smart as that kid that ate all the paste in my Kindergarten class.

i loving hate the stuff out of this kid

i loving hate the stuff out of this kid

i loving hate the stuff out of this kid
I also hate his Lil wayne avatar.

can i point out that most lil wayne listeners arent as handicapped as him
yes i do hate him he gets annoying with his silly logic and stupid agruments

This G's going to giv his full ass support brother

I also hate his Lil wayne avatar.

At first glance I thought it was the bum from nostalgia critic.

This guy is just annoying overall.

This may be irrelevant, but

He is also spamming the RTB server chat due to anger. He calls it his 'topic', says he will 'lock it' and also is going to buy another key so he can 'make the forums pay'.

This may be irrelevant, but

He is also spamming the RTB server chat due to anger. He calls it his 'topic', says he will 'lock it' and also is going to buy another key so he can 'make the forums pay'.
highly convinced he's trolling now

he's just handicapped