Author Topic: Sleeping Dogs or Okami HD  (Read 1044 times)

A simple question really, I have $200+ that im willing to spend, on one or the other, obviously they dont cost that much, but $ isn't a problem here.
Two different genres, on psn/ps3, which one do you think is more worth it?

A simple question really, I have $200+ that im willing to spend, on one or the other, obviously they dont cost that much, but $ isn't a problem here.
Two different genres, on psn/ps3, which one do you think is more worth it?
neither. wait for Watch Dogs, or if you can't wait that long, wait for the sales to hit and get sleeping dogs.

Sleeping Dogs - Best game I ever beat.

i thought sleeping dogs was free on ps plus
if so geddit

i thought sleeping dogs was free on ps plus
if so geddit
Lol no, I had it one time, but as soon as it ran out i lost all my games that where free and had to go out and buy them again

Okami HD. I loved playing Okami on the PlayStation 2. I also didn't really like Sleeping Dogs.