Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2755447 times)

So much confusion

I think I am just gonna go forget a pan
Deepthroat it.

so like thats the kind of people that have male anatomy but use the female locker room because they feel female?

To my understanding, that's exactly how it is.

Actually that is a great idea

I am female now

Actually that is a great idea

I am female now
I'll bring a camera

To my understanding, that's exactly how it is.
sounds cringy, you shouldn't think that you have to change what bathroom you sue in school/get operations to change your anatomy/take hormones or whatever to persue your personality, just deal with that love you are born with and be your self

Actually that is a great idea

I am female now

sounds cringy, you shouldn't think that you have to change what bathroom you sue in school/get operations to change your anatomy/take hormones or whatever to persue your personality, just deal with that love you are born with and be your self

I'm p sure people are trans cuz they can't "be with themselves," and only feel comfortable as the other gender. I don't really give a stuff. Wanna be called a girl? Ok, cool. Boy? I don't care. As long as it ain't otherkin.

I identify as a chip on all levels except taste

I identify as a chip on all levels except taste

scatman john better tip that fedora harder

you know that scatman john was from the era of tasteful fedora usage, right

you know that scatman john was from the era of tasteful fedora usage, right
yes i've known about him for a few years now

rikigamer claiming blockland should be ddosd because he doesn't like it

scatman john better tip that fedora harder
scatman john had rly good music tho

Look at riki still salty over being a stupid stuff causing him to be perma'd

Ofc this friend would want BL to be ddos'd like this again.

enlightened sir educating normies about dank memes