Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2551963 times)

thats like saying bad things wouldnt happen ingame if drama section wasnt a thing
It's like saying 9/11 wouldn't happen if the hijackers weren't born

imagine a toothpick between your toe and its nail, and then kicking a wall really hard.

imagine a toothpick between your toe and its nail, and then kicking a wall really hard.
the oldest cringe in the book

imagine a toothpick between your toe and its nail, and then kicking a wall really hard.

inb4 someone quotes the filthy frank image and says "lost"


inb4 someone quotes the filthy frank image and says "lost"

should i just revive the bad deviantart thread so you guys can stop spreading your autism here

should i just revive the bad deviantart thread so you guys can stop spreading your autism here
I do it on a weekly basis