Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2671432 times)

nah that's just the vocal minority
most people don't even say they're furry outside the furry thread because it doesn't usually have anything to do with the conversation

when i was ten or eleven and even into being twelve i used to let out my pubescent loveual frustration by roleplaying terribly on google+ since most of my friends were google+ users at the time for some reason

this was in 2014


great now I gotta delete my history because of this banned cigarette

nah that's just the vocal minority
most people don't even say they're furry outside the furry thread because it doesn't usually have anything to do with the conversation
ik did you see the sized text, it said "well, half of furries and 75% of bronies"

ik did you see the sized text, it said "well, half of furries and 75% of bronies"
yeah i saw it, that's not a minority though

*Sweats profusely*
Y-yes m-maddam

not sure how i feel about that being in anyone's house

I don't know if this was already seen before, but here you go