Author Topic: The Animal Crossing Megathread - Rest in Peace  (Read 107962 times)

happy room academy says i need more stuff of a certain theme, so if anyone has a handful of stuff of a certain theme, i'll gladly buy it from you, as long as it looks pretty

what is fine:

regal stuff
color stuff(aka blue red green yellow)
robo stuff

what isn't fine:

basically anything that looks either dull, post-apocalyptic or just really ghetto
I got a robo couch and a TV.

10K sounds fair?
hate to break such a one sided good deal but why do you offer so much it only costs 1640 or so :I

hate to break such a one sided good deal but why do you offer so much it only costs 1640 or so :I

Shhhhh. c:

So uhm can I visit someone's town to sell my turnips?


So uhm can I visit someone's town to sell my turnips?


i would
but my turnips are like, 66 right now :l

Man I HATE HORSE VILLAGERS! In Wild World they were notorious for freezing your game mid-text, and today I visited the campgrounds. A creepy horse named Papi was there and his radio played K.K. Hypno ;-; Ed is probably the only one I like.

I did get some furniture I was hankering, mainly a sleek table, a black lucky cat, and a trash can
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 11:51:06 AM by Flamecannon »

I feel bad for you ;-;

Man I HATE HORSE VILLAGERS! In Wild World they were notorious for freezing your game mid-text, and today I visited the campgrounds. A creepy horse named Papi was there and his radio played K.K. Hypno ;-; Ed is probably the only one I like.
>not liking Clyde

hate to break such a one sided good deal but why do you offer so much it only costs 1640 or so :I
I guess I value items differently.
How much should I be paying?


When I got my 3DS back from the repair shop, they reset the date, but I didn't notice and started the game anyway and now my 300,000k worth of turnips have spoiled :(((

oh my god i want this game so bad but i dont even have a 3ds and im about to flip stuff hnnng


When I got my 3DS back from the repair shop, they reset the date, but I didn't notice and started the game anyway and now my 300,000k worth of turnips have spoiled :(((

oh that sucks lol

Just bought the Castle exterior.
Now to find 5 more basement walls.