Author Topic: BDX777 - revelations  (Read 6208 times)

Recently, BDX777 had been stirring up a bunch of stuff.  Unnecessary topics, etc, acting like an idiot in general.
For the forum users who constantly go to the drama section, they should know what I'm talking about.

And why acting negatively to a user who has been here for less than a week doesn't exactly solve anything.
Which is why I had intervened.  I sent him a private message telling him to clean up his act.
In a nice way.

I do hope you can forgive him for his actions.  By now, he should've apologized for his actions.
I know that once you forget up on the blockland forums, especially on the drama section, then
the stuff that's on your shoulders does not roll off for a while.  Deciding to intervene was something
that surprised me.  What surprised me even more is that he considered the advice I had given him,
and most likely will not do it again.

If he does, he'll be on his own.  Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone.

Quit making topics about this guy!

Jesus Christ.....

why dont you actually read the thing before making a comment like that man

I kinda flinched when I saw "Revelations", I rented Resident Evil: Revelations for PS3 a week ago, I thought the game was just meh.
Got stuck on that boss with the organic buzzsaw and the weird foldable kid tent tunnel mouth.
Nice topic though

bdx why do you try to derail everything

OP, there's already a drama thread on him I did.

Regardless if your story is different, it's still a drama thread on him, keep it there.  We don't need a bunch of threads on one person.

I kinda flinched when I saw "Revelations", I rented Resident Evil: Revelations for PS3 a week ago, I thought the game was just meh.
Got stuck on that boss with the organic buzzsaw and the weird foldable kid tent tunnel mouth.
Nice topic though

bdx why do you try to derail everything
Just trying to make small talk :c

Just trying to make small talk :c
You talk to much, and most of the things you say are stupid.

Just trying to make small talk :c
On your drama topic? this isn't a blog, or a board where small talk happens.

102 post per day. What the forget.

102 post per day. What the forget.
How the hell is that possible?

How the hell is that possible?
Oh it's possible, people post 500 times a day on these forums, but it only says that because however many posts you do when you first join is how many per day you get, it's like a glitch.

I kinda flinched when I saw "Revelations", I rented Resident Evil: Revelations for PS3 a week ago, I thought the game was just meh.
Got stuck on that boss with the organic buzzsaw and the weird foldable kid tent tunnel mouth.
Nice topic though
why did you derail this? and on your own drama topic nice one