Author Topic: MISAO: Anime Horror Game  (Read 5320 times)

* This game contains grotesque imagery and depicts violence, murder, bullying, and loveual assault.
Be warned that there are also many scenes in which characters do and say unpleasant things. (cussing)
Playing this game is strictly forbidden for those unable to make a clear distinction between reality and fantasy.
*I will add more info if requested.
*Fixed the title pic
Misao is an awesome animie horror game. It takes place in Japan at a school.

The Story
The main character, Misao, has been (I think) claimed dead/lost/other. But she then put a curse on the school, killing almost everyone. You, (Aki by default) have to try to find Misao and save her. (5 endings)


Main Characters


Aki (you)

Sohta (teacher)





Misao English:
Misao Japanese:
Mad Father Topic (by Darwin(1337yeah)):
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 03:42:41 PM by Hawt »

Ah I finished this a few months ago. I'm a big fan of these kinds of games. Fantastic story, I went for both the endings, I think there were two.

in which everything causes you to violently explode with blood
not the worst i've played, at least

almost done with the game, just gotta finish getting the impossible heart....
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 10:23:50 AM by Hawt »

Good game, Not scary but good.
How do you unlock the good ending?

You just gotta find Candle Jack. He'll hel-

Good game, Not scary but good.
How do you unlock the good ending?
You gotta kill Mr. Sohta instead of that other guy in the bed in the library (forgot his name), and continue on as normal from there.

Are there any more games like this? I enjoy these.

Are there any more games like this? I enjoy these.
I can think of three others: Mad Father, Paranoiac, and The Crooked Man.

I've only gotten spooked a few times. Most of the scares are either very tongue in cheek or bad jumpscares.

I can't figure out how to get the science lab code though, and I still haven't used the flowers for anything.

I've only gotten spooked a few times. Most of the scares are either very tongue in cheek or bad jumpscares.

I can't figure out how to get the science lab code though, and I still haven't used the flowers for anything.
Spoiler (highlight to see)
[The flowers goes to vases in all the classrooms, You have to examine all the desks then place the flowers in there. For the code, its color coded, Look at the poster in the lab, their last names and such are colours.]


I can think of three others: Mad Father, Paranoiac, and The Crooked Man.
I think Ib is also the same kinda thing

How do  I get past Hanako another easier way? Also if I already talk to Tohma before the coins do I lose or so?

How do  I get past Hanako another easier way? Also if I already talk to Tohma before the coins do I lose or so?
Hanako has a pattern, Going fast then slow, Just run past her as she's slow then look in the toilet.