Author Topic: ☼☼☼☼STEAM SUMMER SALE BEGGING THREAD v11010101☼☼☼☼ (IT IS OVER.)  (Read 68409 times)

Good. Expect it sometime this week.

stuff just went down in this thread o_o

America is better than Soviet Russia...... national socialist Germany would've won if... America hadn't intervened.. and the M1 Abrams is.......... better.... than the T-90.
I'm sigging this BTW.

Good. Expect it sometime this week.
is there something I can say for you to gift me wargame airland battle or killing floor
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 11:22:09 PM by Decepticon »

I'm willing to trade anything at all in my Steam Inventory for Faster Than Light. Any takers?

I'd be glad if someone were to get me Dark Souls.
If you'd rather trade, I can trade Don't Starve for it.

I'm not sure if anyone is still gifting or trading anymore - All I see here now is people asking things without receiving.. Kerbal went up to $20, doubt anyone is getting that for anyone... Not sure it's worth asking anymore.

Could I perhaps get an aqua, brown, and red cooler key?

someone buy me cod:ghosts

His Steam account name and not his profile name.

you can't find/add by account name anymore

Hey guys, I will trade cards/emoticons for Sid Meier's Civ V.
Going once, going twice..

someone buy me cod:ghosts

will trade my entire inventory ;D

can someone please please please gift me skyrim? if someone would, I would love them forever + give them all my steam cards + all my TF2 stuff <3 <3

Anyone playing Super meat boy?