Author Topic: MRPG - Medieval RPG - Need Help! [hiatus]  (Read 9532 times)

  Okay, so recently I've decided to work on a medieval rpg mod for Blockland.  I want this to be independent from its predescesors.  No 24/7 grinding, and attention grabbing gameplay.  This isn't going to be an easy project and I don't plan on releasing it any time soon, but I will see through that this is finished.

Help Needed:
  I'm going to need help as there are certain things I wish to achieve that I don't have the skills to do myself.  I'll list what I need:
-Modeler, I will need everything from weapons, to potions, to armor, to props
-Graphic Artist, I will need these for prints, signs, etc
-GUI specialist, I can create GUI's, however I have no ability to make a good looking one

Please PM me or leave a post here to discuss grabbing on of these spots.

  I currently have nothing done on the project except for ideas and planning but this is the order of what will be done:
-Database System - 100%
-Economy/Work System - 30%
-Resources - 10%
-Law System - 0%
-Property Ownership - 0%
-Guilds/Clans - 0%
-Details/Cleaning up - 10%

 Here are some of the ideas and implementations I hope to pursue in this mod:
-Fully working economy, fluctuating prices depending on supply/demand
-Resource gathering that isn't grinding, group benefits, etc
-Fully working law system, players act as jury for criminals
-Property Ownership that allows players to build anywhere they feel, for the right price
-Good experience and good functioning/looking mod and GUI

If you have any suggestions, post here or PM me and I'll decide whether or not to add it!

That is all I have for now, I hope to update with some progress very soon!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 07:55:06 PM by Yenola »

Updated News:
[0]7/3/2013 - Database system implemented, need to finish client handling
  • 7/4/2013 - Database system finished, added simple economy, started on client
  • [0]7/6/2013 - Tweaked economy, start on resources
  • 7/9/2013 - Finished resources, implementing land ownership, opened beta signups
Beta Signups
To sign up for the beta use the following format:
Knowledge of Torquescript:
Why you'd like to beta:

I have ten slots that I'd like to fill for beta 1
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 08:49:35 PM by Yenola »

Nice Logo.

-Fully working law system, players act as jury for criminals
The player would be found as guilty almost every time, because that's what Blockheads like doing.

I agree with jes, in real life it works because the people that are chosen are required to do it by law (skipping jury duty is a crime) and are fully matured adults.

That pretty much rules out 99.9% of blocklanders.

Nice Logo.
The player would be found as guilty almost every time, because that's what Blockheads like doing.

Thanks and I'm doing my best to work around that.
Here's my in-depth ideas about how I'm going to implement it.

A blockhead commits a crime, let's say steals a horse, anyone can now take this player to court doing something like
/sue name demerits reason

Then anyone inside their city will get a message "blockhead1 would like to sue blockhead2 for reason to add number of dems to his bounty, say I if you agree to this"
If the majority of the city says I, it will then spawn everyone inside the courthouse

The suing player now gets to explain what he's suing about for the next minute, then the defendent gets to defend himself for the next minute

After this everyone will get to vote whether the defendent is guilty or not.

If the defendent disconnects, he automatically loses the trial and gets the dems added, if the suing player leaves the case is dropped.

Thanks and I'm doing my best to work around that.
Here's my in-depth ideas about how I'm going to implement it.

A blockhead commits a crime, let's say steals a horse, anyone can now take this player to court doing something like
/sue name demerits reason

Then anyone inside their city will get a message "blockhead1 would like to sue blockhead2 for reason to add number of dems to his bounty, say I if you agree to this"
If the majority of the city says I, it will then spawn everyone inside the courthouse

The suing player now gets to explain what he's suing about for the next minute, then the defendent gets to defend himself for the next minute

After this everyone will get to vote whether the defendent is guilty or not.

If the defendent disconnects, he automatically loses the trial and gets the dems added, if the suing player leaves the case is dropped.
That sounds incredibly annoying. If you could somehow implement an efficient detection system, that would work wonders.

Sounds good otherwise, but it's much easier to declare things than it is to do them. Designing the RPG well is probably more difficult than actually coding it (if i'm estimating your ability correctly). Sometimes you have to basically start from scratch if it's poorly designed.

How are you planning on preventing grinding?

That sounds incredibly annoying.

Sounds good otherwise, but it's much easier to declare things than it is to do them. Designing the RPG well is probably more difficult than actually coding it (if i'm estimating your ability correctly). Sometimes you have to basically start from scratch if it's poorly designed.

How are you planning on preventing grinding?
I know it's annoying but it's the only way to do it fairly.

I haven't started the scripting yet because I want to plan it out so that it gets done right the first time.

I don't plan to prevent grinding, there's no way to make it non-existent in a game, but I hope to largely decrease it.

I don't plan to prevent grinding, there's no way to make it non-existent in a game, but I hope to largely decrease it.
it's totally possible to make grinding unnecessary

you don't have to make it impossible, just something that isn't inevitably done

but anyway, how are you planning on 'curbing' grinding

it's totally possible to make grinding unnecessary

you don't have to make it impossible, just something that isn't inevitably done

but anyway, how are you planning on 'curbing' grinding
Well I'm not entirely sure yet tbh, I'm still working out simple things idea-wise, if you have any suggestions feel absolutely free to provide them.

Thanks and I'm doing my best to work around that.
Here's my in-depth ideas about how I'm going to implement it.

A blockhead commits a crime, let's say steals a horse, anyone can now take this player to court doing something like
/sue name demerits reason

Then anyone inside their city will get a message "blockhead1 would like to sue blockhead2 for reason to add number of dems to his bounty, say I if you agree to this"
If the majority of the city says I, it will then spawn everyone inside the courthouse

The suing player now gets to explain what he's suing about for the next minute, then the defendent gets to defend himself for the next minute

After this everyone will get to vote whether the defendent is guilty or not.

If the defendent disconnects, he automatically loses the trial and gets the dems added, if the suing player leaves the case is dropped.
That's quite literally the worst idea I've ever heard for an RPG. Every player can scream that someone chopped down the tree they were chopping, sue them for everything they own (not including the fact that EVERY PLAYER NEARBY gets teleported without a choice on whether they want to get tele'd or not, disrupting everything that's going on, then the person who chopped the tree will get tons of bounty/demerits/whatever. Now do this once ever 30 seconds every time someone walks past someone else the wrong way/any time someone feels like doing this "for the lulz". Really that's a bad, bad, idea. Although I don't quite know how you could improve on it.

Other than that good luck on the project.

Well I'm not entirely sure yet tbh, I'm still working out simple things idea-wise, if you have any suggestions feel absolutely free to provide them.
i don't like doing this and i have no idea how much help it will be but here are all of my ideas if you don't mind reading some random guy on the internet's stupid rant about rpgs

That is by far the worst judgement system I can possibly think of. People will commit crime - it is fact, and fun. This is how I think it should work

Each client gets a mail box which they can use to send mail and notifications around. They're mailbox is updated every few ticks. Also each person should be randomly spawned into a town or into a forest (they can pick but if the towns are over populated then it is forced wilderness and if under populated then they forcibly join a town but can leave for a price, which the money goes into the town)

Player steals a horse, and the person who owns the horse sees the robber (if you don't know who did it you cant report it.)
The thief is notified he committed a crime and if reported within a week or whatever can be prosecuted.
The player goes to an actual police house where they click one a bot. A list of actions comes up and you select report a crime, you type in the name of the person (or something close to it) and it comes up with any name it might be. You click the name who you think it was and select the crime from a drop down list. The person whether or not committed the crime receives a letter stating that he has been convicted of a crime and must appear in a court house. The player then must appear in court within a few days and if they don't then they are automatically listed as a criminal. If they do then the elected officials (can be reported for abuse to administrators) review the case and agree on either release or a punishment. Punishments can come from a list and can be time in jail, public work, a fine or execution (must justify and must be 100% agreement). If convicted then they are placed in jail if necessary and will work out until the time is done.

That's quite literally the worst idea I've ever heard for an RPG. Every player can scream that someone chopped down the tree they were chopping, sue them for everything they own (not including the fact that EVERY PLAYER NEARBY gets teleported without a choice on whether they want to get tele'd or not, disrupting everything that's going on, then the person who chopped the tree will get tons of bounty/demerits/whatever. Now do this once ever 30 seconds every time someone walks past someone else the wrong way/any time someone feels like doing this "for the lulz". Really that's a bad, bad, idea. Although I don't quite know how you could improve on it.

Other than that good luck on the project.
I understand this, I have many things to work out on the system, thanks.

i don't like doing this and i have no idea how much help it will be but here are all of my ideas if you don't mind reading some random guy on the internet's stupid rant about rpgs
Much appreciated, I like a few of the things you said and will definitely take these into consideration

That is by far the worst judgement system I can possibly think of. People will commit crime - it is fact, and fun. This is how I think it should work

Each client gets a mail box which they can use to send mail and notifications around. They're mailbox is updated every few ticks. Also each person should be randomly spawned into a town or into a forest (they can pick but if the towns are over populated then it is forced wilderness and if under populated then they forcibly join a town but can leave for a price, which the money goes into the town)

Player steals a horse, and the person who owns the horse sees the robber (if you don't know who did it you cant report it.)
The thief is notified he committed a crime and if reported within a week or whatever can be prosecuted.
The player goes to an actual police house where they click one a bot. A list of actions comes up and you select report a crime, you type in the name of the person (or something close to it) and it comes up with any name it might be. You click the name who you think it was and select the crime from a drop down list. The person whether or not committed the crime receives a letter stating that he has been convicted of a crime and must appear in a court house. The player then must appear in court within a few days and if they don't then they are automatically listed as a criminal. If they do then the elected officials (can be reported for abuse to administrators) review the case and agree on either release or a punishment. Punishments can come from a list and can be time in jail, public work, a fine or execution (must justify and must be 100% agreement). If convicted then they are placed in jail if necessary and will work out until the time is done.
I like the idea excepting a few small details, will definitely think about this further.


Added a database system, and created a pickaxe model

What do you guys think of this:

What can be done to 'fix' it?

I have an idea for a new jury.

A jury that involves real players would be annoying, painful and many players would just randomly say "Guilty" just because it's funny to watch them cry as they get dragged to the guillotine to get their head chopped off. Or they'd say "Not Guilty" to make the person who sued them. Use Brian Smithers' idea as well.

Money Suing

In order to sue for money, player must pay a fee (ex: /sue Yenola 3000 6000 8) The red is the amount the victim wants. The green is how much the victim is paying for the case and the maroon number is the crime number. (Crime Number 8 = Robbery?) The amount they are suing for and how much they are willing to pay for their case is the key to suing. To help paint a picture of what I mean, let's say you're suing someone like Joe is suing Yenola. His case is very powerful, due to the money he is spending for his case is double than what he is suing for. He'd probably have an 80% chance of Yenola being found guilty and be forced to send him the money.


It's very similar to above, except the defendant Yenola can pay for a defense, which can lower the chances of him being found guilty. Let's say the prosecutor pays $50,000 to get you in jail for twenty ticks for several crimes. You pay 150,000 for your defense. That means you're pretty much home free. Except being found guilty is a serious thing, and 150,000 dollars is a lot of money. If you are on a Death Penalty case, defense will be notably stronger. If you're wondering what I mean by "Death Penalty", it isn't just chop off their head and nothing is wrong. It's almost like an account reset. If you are found guilty and sentenced to death, you get your head chopped off. Pig whup. The next part isn't. Your money is chopped off by 75% and your job is sent down to the lowest. Yikes, that's bad! Which is why I recommend making the defense stronger.

Please tell me of what you think.

Added a database system, and created a pickaxe model

What do you guys think of this:

What can be done to 'fix' it?
Looks nice. Don't see much wrong with it.