Author Topic: Pet Death Megathread {Use format in op so it is bolded correctly!}  (Read 2416 times)

Name: trayvon martin
Cause of Death: Bullet to the dome
Lifespan: 1995-02-05 - 2012-02-26
Animal Type: monday/ape

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 01:05:58 AM by Badspot »

Name: trayvon martin
Cause of Death: Bullet to the dome
Lifespan: 1995-02-05 - 2012-02-26
Animal Type: monday/ape


Name: Bailey
COD: Diabetes/old age
Life Span: 2004~2013
Animal Type: Doge

Here you go snake face

Name: Reika (Sounded like "EuREKA!")
Cause of Death: Old age + Sickness
Lifespan: 1995 - 2007
Animal Type: Dog (Doberman)

Name: Smoky (He had fur which made him look like a smoke puffy thing.)
Cause of Death: Dumb blind american driver.
Lifespan: 200? - 2012
Animal Type: Cat
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 03:32:42 AM by CJwarrior »

Name: Smoky (He had fur which made him look like a smoke puffy thing.)
Cause of Death: Dumb blind american driver.
Lifespan: 200? - 2012
Animal Type: Cat
Correct bolding pls

Name: trayvon martin
Cause of Death: Bullet to the dome
Lifespan: 1995-02-05 - 2012-02-26
Animal Type: monday/ape

Name: xx_codmlgprosniperheadshotbro _xx
Cause of Death: Headshotted in rust.
Lifespan: a few minutes
Animal Type: human

All seriousness:

Name: Coco
Cause of Death: Put down/Dying/Cancer
Lifespan: 19 Years
Animal Type: Cat,
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 12:47:45 AM by Starzy »

Name: Bob the Cat
Cause of Death: threw rocks at it and it ran away into the road and got hit by a car
Alive for: idk we found it one day
Animal Type: orange cat

was some bitchy fat cat we found when i was like 7. ive always just hated cats because they are worthless, we were throwing rocks and i pegged it like twice right in the head and it ran into the road and this volvo or something totally creamed it

Name: Coal
Cause of Death: My dad stepped on him.
Lifespan: Two weeks
Animal Type: Cat
oh my god
oh my god

Name: Winston
Cause of Death: Old Age
Lifespan 8 years
Animal Bulldog

Name: Daisy
Cause of Death: Advanced Lymphomia Cancer
Lifespan: 6 years
Animal: Cocerspanial Dog

Name: Chilly
Cause of Death: Putting down due to anger issues with cat
lifespan: 13 years
Animal: Cat

Name: Peach
Cause of death: Age
Lifespan: 17 years
Animal: Cocerspanial

Name: Morris
Cause of death: Cancer
Lifespan: 19 years
animal: cat

« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 01:15:04 AM by NalNalas »

I don't accept apps that aren't bolded correctly.

I don't accept apps that aren't bolded correctly.

Name: trayvon martin
Cause of Death: Bullet to the dome
Lifespan: 1995-02-05 - 2012-02-26
Animal Type: monday/ape

User was banned for this post
Badspot wins again, lol'd very hard.