Author Topic: Stories Of Tech Support  (Read 1044 times)

Post funny/annoying tech support stories you have had.

  • >OnHold 2 Hours about my router.
    "Hello Sir, how may I help you?"
    "Hi I been having this problem with my router and I have tried installing new firmware, hard resets etc."
    "Okay sir please give a moment."
    >5 Minutes Later
    "Ok, have you tried restarting the device?"
    "Okay, have you tried removing the power cable and plugging it back in?"
    >Same two questions are asked again.
    "You are giving me no help, I could get more help from a  monkey"
    "Sir no need to be rude."
    "Okay whatever, is there a  way I can send my router in to be fixed?"
    "Yes sir you can, you send it in and we fix it and send it right back."
    "How long does this take?"
    "Around 3 Weeks Sir"
    "Do you guys send me a temporary router or something?"
    "No Sir."
    "How do I get internet without my router then?"
    "Well sir, you don't."
    "So you expect me to go 3 weeks without my router? What the forget"
    "Sir please calm-"
    >Hung up.

Bottom line, forget TechSupport. /Discuss how much tech support sucks.

so you mean you really couldn't go 3 weeks without internet?

tech supports are usually fine, and to be honest you were acting like a nob at the end

so you mean you really couldn't go 3 weeks without internet?
1: My mom is a Graphic Artist and works from home.
2: My dad brings work home on his laptop.
3: I could go without my games and whatnot, but I use Skype, Facebook, Google for stuff on a daily basis.

I have never called tech support.

You sound like a douchebag. I'm glad he gave you that response to send it in

You're rude for a 15 year old.

Tech support reps deal with difficult people all day. All you're managing to do is make their stuffty life even worse.

People calling me a douchebag are stupid. This is my 5th call to them and they give me no help at all. And now they want me to not have internet for 3 weeks. I also didn't put down the entire chat, just a basic summary.