Author Topic: Ideas for updates  (Read 9346 times)

Hey guys, I was thinking, there's probably a reason this game hasn't been updated significantly for something like 6 years now. The only logical conclusion i could reach was that Badspot just ran out of ideas and has been spending the last 6 years trying to come up with some new ones. I thought I'd try to help him out.

Here are my ideas, accompanied by some quick prototype proof of concepts i slapped together quickly. I actually spent hours on these

Horse Bakery

This would basically be a bakery, run by a horse, that sells things like bread that can heal you. Here's how this would look in game:

Please dont judge my parchments, they're really old

Stock Broker Sea Monster

This sea monster can be found in the second story of the bank. He tells you about your stock options, what investments you currently have, and can offer advice on whats trending in the Age of Time financial industry (for 50gp)

Playable RoboCop skin

This 1987 movie classic has a lot of things in common with Age of Time, and I know i'm not the only one who thinks it's about time the two universes cross over.

Facial Hair

This one shouldn't need much explanation.

Anyways guys, that's it for my ideas. Feel free to comment on them or contribute your own, I'm sure Badspot needs all the help he can get!

Barely anyone plays AoT so idk

Barely anyone plays AoT so idk

Excellent contribution to the thread, I'll address your points one at a time.

1. Nobody plays because it hasn't had a substantial update in 6 years

Excellent contribution to the thread, I'll address your points one at a time.

1. Nobody plays because it hasn't had a substantial update in 6 years
that argument works vice versa, too.

It hasn't had a substantial update in 6 years because nobody plays it.

that argument works vice versa, too.

It hasn't had a substantial update in 6 years because nobody plays it.

That makes no sense. That's like saying cats don't use litter boxes because of global warming.

That's like saying cats don't use litter boxes because of global warming.
Not really at all.

You wouldn't play a game if it wasn't updated and you wouldn't update a game if it wasn't played.

Not really at all.

You wouldn't play a game if it wasn't updated and you wouldn't update a game if it wasn't played.

Under that logic, no game would ever be played or updated. Obviously updating a game potentially motivates people who used to play that game to play it again. Playing a game again doesn't necessarily motivate anyone to update the game. A developer creates a game with the intention of gathering enough players to warrant the time and effort put in, it's the same leap of faith any business takes, and the same thinking is in place when a game is updated. If everyone suddenly stopped going to McDonald's, they wouldn't just rollover dead. They would update their business model in an attempt to attract customers both old and new.

I'm telling you bro, it's the classic litter pan vs. global warming argument.

Under that logic, no game would ever be played or updated. Obviously updating a game potentially motivates people who used to play that game to play it again. Playing a game again doesn't necessarily motivate anyone to update the game. A developer creates a game with the intention of gathering enough players to warrant the time and effort put in, it's the same leap of faith any business takes, and the same thinking is in place when a game is updated. If everyone suddenly stopped going to McDonald's, they wouldn't just rollover dead. They would update their business model in an attempt to attract customers both old and new.

I'm telling you bro, it's the classic litter pan vs. global warming argument.
First, I'm not your "bro."

Next, Age of Time isn't McDonald's. There haven't been billions served. If no one visited McDonald's in six years, they would close.

When a developer decides he's finished with one project or he wants to work on something else, *cough* Blockland *cough*, he's not going to put more time and effort into the old project. Age of Time is dead.

Nonnel buddy... broooo~

First, I'm not your "bro."
Thanks for that clarification tough guy. It's pretty important to quickly establish who on the internet is or is not allowed to call you what, preferably with cheesy tropes.
Next, Age of Time isn't McDonald's.

There haven't been billions served. If no one visited McDonald's in six years, they would close.
First of all, do you work for McDonald's? Because the way you slipped their billions served tagline into your argument was flawless. Age of Time had an active community that played daily up until 2010 or so, maybe even more recent I'm not sure. Badspot has never once stated the game was done with, the server is still up, it's reset every 20-30 days to fix the glitches that happen, and it's forums are still open and moderated.
When a developer decides he's finished with one project or he wants to work on something else, *cough* Blockland *cough*, he's not going to put more time and effort into the old project.
Blockland Vanilla was available to the public in 2004, and has been being worked on ever since. Age of Time was receiving updates as late as 2007 and the most recent version is from 2009. I don't think Badspot needs you to speak for him and say what he is or isn't going to do.
Age of Time is dead.
Thank you for this brand new contribution to the forum bro. I'm glad you're regularly checking in to the section of the forums dedicated to Age of Time just to tell people it's dead. Thank you for participating in my thread and getting wildly off topic just to argue with me instead of actually contributing to it. Please do not continue derailing my thread, this is not the drama section, this thread is for ideas for updates to help Badspot in his time of need.

Welp, I'm done here.

If you want to keep playing a dead game that's your thing.

The only logical conclusion i could reach was that Badspot just ran out of ideas and has been spending the last 6 years trying to come up with some new ones.

What actually happened was Blockland started to take off so he started focusing on that and AoT fell by the wayside. It's a shame, really. It could have been a good game.

What actually happened was Blockland started to take off so he started focusing on that and AoT fell by the wayside. It's a shame, really. It could have been a good game.
You mean... it isn't because he couldn't come up with the idea for the Horse Bakery?

nah man, pretty sure the elusive horse bakery is what's been keeping this game down
watch the game spring into a multibillion mmo now

It's sad seeing somebody completely missing the joke for so long :(