Author Topic: Working Elevators!  (Read 89296 times)

How big is the elevator? I'd like to pre-build an elevator shaft in my apartment for when this comes out. What things do I need? Buttons, dimensions, etc.

Skele! Just wait, its a surprise. But I kinda wanna know too...

I want to know that stuff before hand so I can finish my build. Waiting means not finishing, it could be weeks before I can finish.

Elevators can currently be any size of any plate.

A 64x64 0_o...what are you carryin'? 20 vehicles? Nice sizes though

When will it be ready.

Well, actually it's a bit more flexible than that.

You'll be able to choose the dimensions.  You could make a 16x32 elevator if you wanted.  You could make a 55x11 elevator if you want.  The minimum width/length will be 4, and I'll probably set the maximum to 64 (although I'll probably allow server hosts to change this value).

You'll also be able to set how tall (in plates) you're floor is and how tall (in plates) the elevator floor and ceiling are.  The minimum distance allow between the elevator floor and ceiling will be 5 bricks tall, making the minimum floor height 5 * 3 (15) + 1 (floor) = 16.  The ceiling would technically be part of the next floor.

Also, I'm developing a sliding Door system for use with the elevators.  Yes, I'll probably come up with a separate sliding Doors for general use, but this will be only for elevators.  You'll be able to set a sliding door that syncs with a particular floor (opens with elevator stops at the floor, notifies elevator that you want to get on, prevents people from entering elevator shaft, etc).  The maximum Door width will be 1 / 2 of the maximum elevator width.  The reason for this is that each Door will be 4 pieces.  A container on each side that receives its half of the Door, and 2 Doors (one moves left, one moves right).  All of the parts would have to be equal length, so if you're dealing with an elevator 64 bricks wide, each part becomes 16 bricks wide.  2 Door parts x 16 wide = 32 bricks wide.

Ok, that's about it for now.  Lemme know if you have any further questions.



The official, straight-from-the-source answer on when this will be ready:

I'll release when I'm confident I've made a quality product, and not before.

Please stop asking.  I'm not kidding.  The intarwebz is serious business.

your* and allowed*.  Damn lack of edit button.

I most certainly will be thought of as a noob for saying this, but can I beta test or at least watch the elevators go up and down, lol.

I'd just like to help. :)

Please don't flame me.

Once I get the sliding door stuff up and running, I'll probably have some public testing.

Another question, hopefully my last one for a while, but I would like to know this for my build as well. Will you be able to set the travel distance per floor? Like, if you have a tall lobby or something, but shorter floors above, can you make it so the travel distance from Base -> Floor 2 and Floor 2 -> Base different from Floor 2 -> Floor 3 and vice-versa?

Do you mean like a real elevator and stop at all the floors.

No. Say floor 1 is 10 bricks tall, and floor 2 is 20 bricks tall, and the elevator goes to both. Will you be able to set the travel distance per floor or do all floors have to be the same height?