I got a jellyfish sting.

Author Topic: I got a jellyfish sting.  (Read 2101 times)


Discuss recent injuries.

I just my hand on a piece of metal yesterday. Even though it was a small cut it stung while doing burpees and stuff during football.

Other than that I havent had many recent injuries

I got second degree sunburns all over my back a few days ago.

i popped a zit

i went to grab a fork and jammed the skin around the nail of my thumb into those aluminum foil cutters.

i wore long socks overnight and my ankle skin really hurt in the morning

i sprained my left arm jetskiing
i stepped on my belt and broke the skin to the muscle
i cut myself shaving

thats it

Was it a small jellyfish?

I got stabbed through the chest by a sword and fell to earth. It sucked.
