What is your idea of a perfect server?

Author Topic: What is your idea of a perfect server?  (Read 6771 times)

a non-boring, lagless, spamless, noobless, anti-trollness, balanced, good builds, good administration, with tons of mods!

A double dutch rainbow...

it'd be intense.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 07:58:20 PM by PwnedN00b10 »

i like when people take old ideas and revamp them so they're infinitely better

now days the flaws that are issuing servers are the players

motherloving monkey orgy with saints row carrots all over the place

motherloving monkey orgy with saints row carrots all over the place


a fun but not too competitive server with a cool idea (doesn't necessarily have to be unique, just fun) and likable admins

falling tiles

i like when people take old ideas and revamp them so they're infinitely better
a fun but not too competitive server with a cool idea (doesn't necessarily have to be unique, just fun) and likable admins
now days the flaws that are issuing servers are the players

Describes fallin tiles so much.

But one major aspect that many servers forget about, is community input. We did not create the greatness that is Falling Tiles overnight. It has been months and months of tweaking and adding new features. Hosts should constantly look out for good user suggestions and try to make it so the game moderates itself (whether it be spawn camp prevention, freekill mods, or falling tile operator abuse), that way the admins can concentrate on public relations instead of making sure people play fair. Fix the problems in the server, and people will stay longer.

Another thing is freshness. There's a reason the server is not up 24/7. People get bored of stuff. Reeeeally fast. If you host good servers sporadically, then you get more people to crave that server. Let's say you have a craving to play heed's tdm. You are able to immediately satisfy that need because the servers always up. But if you want to play falling tiles, the server might not be up. That craving grows and grows, then when it is hosted, you have more fun than you usually would. Or you could just constantly add new features, but that might get tiring.

Something else to consider is punishments. Personally I don't like to permaban. That's just 1 less player that could be boosting your playercount. If people are getting banned for the littlest things, people might think your server is too harsh. Freekills for instance. Some servers ban for freekilling even if its 1 little accident. If a player takes a gun and starts taking out every thing that moves with no remorse, hell yeah ban his ass. But learn to see things from their perspective. Maybe they had a rough day, got bullied at school, and just want to take it out on someone. If people spam your chat, get a mute mod. If people are spawnkilling, add different places to spawn. Ban people if they truly deserve it, otherwise make your server less abusable.

Treat your players with respect and show them a good time.

This is just my opinion on servers and if you dont agree, whatever.

[shameless plug: "Check out Ravencoft's and Whirlwind's Falling Tiles!"]

a server that is balanced, has a good build, and either plays really well or is an unique idea
and that is fun

one that does not require admins

A game which contains lengthy playability before you get bored and do something else.

And has sanity.

a fort wars with well built terrain, a weaponpack that isn't garbage, constant and competent admins, and a playerbase that doesn't suck richards

Nothing that was or is on this topic, that's for sure

now days the flaws that are issuing servers are the players
Whenever you finish the thing and host it

Whenever K9 kid hosts one of his ZAPT survivals.