i think he was joking
anyway I'm going to guess now that even the first "Spencer" is the trolling alt of one of these people defending him right now.
Highly unlikely. If you are referring to minnax and I, we have been on the forums a while and to just now start using our accounts for spencer's favor would not make much sense.
how about being in a skype call with both
funny that spencer can't be on skype when lightbulbs is.
I could arrange that but it would prove nothing.
are you guys handicapped
lightbulb's IP was checked and matched with spencer's. it's the same loving person.[/I]
they even act the same. you guys are pants on head handicapped.
what the forget does this prove exactly
i can go and have two copies of blockland with different IDs too. hell even two computers.
You don't know that. Ephialtes never said anything about comparing their IP addresses. The only thing he did I'll bet is check to see that one of lightbulbs names was related to spencer.