Author Topic: Reporting a moderator for a possible rule violation is a bannable offense  (Read 28639 times)

ephialtes is just taking this kalphiter thing way too personal.
could have something to do with kalphiter going out of his way to make it personal

could have something to do with kalphiter going out of his way to make it personal

this is the thing though.

kalphiter is just some starfish going out of his way to try to take down ephi

but ephi shouldnt let it get to him. he has standards as a mod.

i am neutral in this entire argument.

kalphiter is just some starfish going out of his way to try to take down ephi
and everyone who goes out of their way to be an starfish and "take down" people should just be left alone to continue?

and everyone who goes out of their way to be an starfish and "take down" people should just be left alone to continue?
Kalphiter as of now is just pulling stuff out of his ass to retaliate against Ephialtes. They'd been butting heads for a long time now.

kalphiter is just some starfish going out of his way to try to take down ephi

but ephi shouldnt let it get to him. he has standards as a mod.

JazZ is some starfish who's been going out of his way to try and take down Badspot, now he's essentially ban-on-sight.

You're absolutely deluded if you think you can come on an internet forum, harass the stuff out of the moderators or admins at every turn and in every thread relating to them and then throw your hands up going "woah wtf" when you get banned.

It's so painfully obvious you've got an issue with me and it's driving you to make absurd arguments. Drop it already, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with you - I'm going to chalk it down to an envious impressionable child who's just hungry for my attention.

i didnt mean dont do anything to him, i meant dont ban him when he reports you or for other trivial stuff

ban him when he breaks actual rules

i didnt mean dont do anything to him, i meant dont ban him when he reports you or for other trivial stuff

ban him when he breaks actual rules

How are you missing this? There are rules so goddamn obvious that they shouldn't have to be written down. There's no rule about not spamming the forums yet I've banned a number of people for that. What do you say to that? Abuse of power? Key revoke and ban me?

Harassment is a legitimate reason to ban someone, sorry you can't understand that. Numerous people have been banned for it in the past and I don't see you kicking up a fuss. Give it a loving rest already.