Author Topic: Reporting a moderator for a possible rule violation is a bannable offense  (Read 28643 times)

I'm just going to say there is a huge Ephialtes circlejerk
No matter who the person is there's always a crowd of people ready to starting spewing stuff at each other.

this thread is godly. everything about it is comedy gold and it's beyond loving hilarious watching people trying to start a "rebellion" and "stand up to the corrupted authority!!!"
i'm pretty sure kalphiter and co regard this as a human rights violation on par with the syrian crCIA

Since when could Ephi ban?

Since when could Ephi ban?

since a while ago

i think it's because it's bothersome for ephialtes to constantly delete/lock rule-breaking threads until badspot comes online.

since a while ago

i think it's because it's bothersome for ephialtes to constantly delete/lock rule-breaking threads until badspot comes online.
they always could, including rotondo.

Why fight against the moderator?

I mean, I never got why people like yola hated the creators/developers of the game so much that they get themselves banned.

If you don't like badspot, stop buying alts to tell the forums that you don't like badspot.
If you don't like ephi, don't report him since the report will end up in his inbox before badspot's.

Nothing will change if you yell "freedom!" or "overthrow the oppressive regime" when nobody else feels like they are being bossed around.

they always could, including rotondo.

not true.

notice how he talked about how he would be sitting there deleting posts until badspot came online and banned them. it implies that he couldn't.

i'm not even kidding when i say i completely agree with this

this thread is godly. everything about it is comedy gold and it's beyond loving hilarious watching people trying to start a "rebellion" and "stand up to the corrupted authority!!!"
occupy blockland forums 2013

Long live ephi, ephi is life, ephi is law!

occupy blockland forums 2013
but ironically it's the 1% of handicaps that're banned from RTB going up against the 99% who aren't.

not true.

notice how he talked about how he would be sitting there deleting posts until badspot came online and banned them. it implies that he couldn't.
Thing that surprises me is that there are more votes to revoke his adminship.

Since when could Ephi ban?
He got the privilege a couple of months ago primarily to stop forum spammers. There's no "limit" to who he can ban though so don't twist my words into saying he shouldn't have banned Kalphiter because he wasn't spamming.

There's no "limit" to who he can ban though so don't twist my words into saying he shouldn't have banned Kalphiter because he wasn't spamming.
thinking ahead
very smart

Thing that surprises me is that there are more votes to revoke his adminship.

yeah because a bunch of butthurt children think they actually have power lol

>finds out that there are people on Blockland pretty much trying to do the equivalent of the American Revolution for the game

lmfao this is loving hilarious