ever heard of being a good human being
What? Are you serious? I've had mixed feelings of Ephialtes, yes, but when you're moderating a fairly popular internet forum, you have to be open while being strict. Yes, you can be nice, but if people will not stuffting on you, as a moderator, you have the right to be strict with them. They had their chances, but they didn't do well with them.
Furthermore, define "good human being". Do you mean caring? Intelligent? Knows the right thing to do? Your point is very vague. I do not understand what you mean by that point.
However, I'm not saying Ephialtes is perfect in my eyes. Yes, he does his job well, but he's not perfect. But no one is perfect. I will say he can be very personal and funny. I like him better now
I understand some of you don't like him, however if you want respect from him, you have to earn it. He's higher on the Blockland forums hierarchy than anyone of you. He earned his right to be moderator, and we are just members. If you don't want moderators up your ass all the time, show them respect and learn the way of life that some people are higher than you in certain situations. I mean come on, the majority of us are teenagers and he's an adult. Someday, you could be a moderator on an internet forum and people will be against you like this. How would that feel? Think about that through Ephialtes' eyes.
Bottom line, give respect and then you will get respect.