Author Topic: Some idiot hit-and-ran from a car accident with my father (No, he didn't die)  (Read 2937 times)

Guys, please do yourself a favor and do not drive like this when you get your license.

So basically today, as my father was driving to the hospital where my grandfather is right now (long story short, he broke his hip and he has a possible infection), the traffic suddenly stopped on a highway, and so he put on his breaks. However, a lady behind him I guess wasn't paying attention and rammed her car into his, putting a massive dent into our car.

At the next safe spot, they both pulled over into the shoulder, in which she almost caused another accident by not pulling over properly. The women failed to identify herself and started pleading with my father to not call the police, which he already did. Now get this: she didn't have her license with her. My father stated she might have been in her 20's, and she might not have gotten a driver's license or something like that, I don't know. Bottom line, she didn't have a license with her and she was panicking.

Guess what she does next? Instead of waiting for the police to arrive and probably only getting a ticket, as stated by the officer on the phone, she gets in her car and speeds off from the scene. At least my dad got her license plate and the car's information. She's in big loving trouble. What a moron.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 11:20:22 PM by Acerblock »

I like it when idiots like these have it coming to them.
She's going to get it

Dumb bitch.

I hate people who drive like this. I want to know what happens afterwards.

Sucks to be her.

My sister caused and accident and didnt have her license (on her atm) but she got lucky cause the cop was a local and not a state.

It is a shame how the lady fled the scene. I bet you she ran because she had a criminal record of some sort. I hope she gets jail time. What nerve this lady has.

I like it when idiots like these have it coming to them.
She's going to get it
oh yes, the police were not happy with her when my dad told them the details over the phone.

There's most likely an APB out for that car. Justice will be served so loving hard. Trust me.

literally the only thing worse than people who hit-and-run is the fact that you have to pay extra to be insured against hit-and-runs and drivers without insurance

im never hiring a hitwoman again

im never hiring a hitwoman again
never hire a woman to do a man's job

Is the woman's car okay?

It is a shame how the lady fled the scene. I bet you she ran because she had a criminal record of some sort. I hope she gets jail time. What nerve this lady has.
Yes, what chutzpah.

never hire a woman to do a man's job
never bring a woman to a man fight

I'll be sure to ban her from my server.