In year 3,250 an alien race known as the "Flarcies" invaded LandBlock. They are giant fleece balls with arms and legs made out of rock. They are extremely hostile to people and have claws so sharp that they can cut through steel with no effort. They will hunt you down and slice you to bits, eat your body and then drink your blood. You are of the last people alive and you must wait 11 Days for the spaceship to transport you to a space station where you will be eternally safe. However, the eleventh day is the Day of Phantasma and that is the day the Flarcies mass-produce and attack everyone. Luckily, you have plenty of stuff to keep you alive. You must choose something to do to be alive. You can even kill other players, but you might also get killed in the process or alert Flarcies that you are nearby.
Pretty much, you decide to do some random thing like making a campfire or falling asleep on TheResonte and I use Random.Org to roll two dice. These are the results.
2: You are killed. There was no saving you.
3 - 4: You were gravely injured. You might be rendered useless.
5 - 6: You hurt yourself. Nice job, doofus-dummy!
7 - 8: You barely succeeded.
9 - 10 - 11: Nice! You got the job done.
12: You went a little too hard. You broke something.
You can do one thing every day. However, in the process if you break too many bones (both of your legs) you will be rendered useless and found by the Flarcies. Guess what happens then? A rather painful death.
Right after Day 10 comes, I roll a dice for every single person. If you do not get higher than 6, you are killed by the Flarcies. The person who gets the highest roll on The Day of Phantasma or is the last man standing wins the game.
You must join by Day 3 otherwise you must wait for the current game to end. Go ahead and post if you want in the game.
Once four players are in, the game will start.
1st: Trifornt
2nd: Tophat
3rd: SirLancelot7
4th and lower: ???
Poop: Lee (Ben Watts)
Trifornt - Notable Injuries: Left arm is burned.
Tophat - Notable Injuries: Broken leg.
SirLancelot - Notable Injuries: Nearly entire body is burned severely, no right arm, no wisdom teeth.
Benjamin Watson - Notable Injuries: None.
??? - Notable Injuries: None.
??? - Notable Injuries: None.
??? - Notable Injuries: None.
??? - Notable Injuries: None.