Author Topic: How to deal with douchebag neighbor? UPDATE PAGE 5  (Read 16523 times)

Sounds like you really dont know a lot and are just trying to argue.

6' 2" is a decent height. Not the tallest but certainly not the shortest. When you play in skates, a helmet, and pads you appear to be a lot larger. I would say maybe 4 or 5" taller. He probably weighs around 215lbs with pads too.

Wearing full uniform in football I weight 170lbs and I probably appear around 6'

The biggest kid I've seen so far is 6' 3" 290lbs.
and to add on to that, my job is to defend the other  guys on the team. if some guy puts on a big hit or goes after one of our guys, it's my job to make sure he either stops or fights me instead. I've gotten the forget beaten out of me twice this season and won seven fights, it takes a lot of balls to do what I do. I also got slashed by a skate through my glove before and have a scar to show for it.

basically I have to fight a stuffload of guys, even guys bigger than me, knowing I'll lose some and win some

Sounds like you really dont know a lot and are just trying to argue.

6' 2" is a decent height. Not the tallest but certainly not the shortest. When you play in skates, a helmet, and pads you appear to be a lot larger. I would say maybe 4 or 5" taller. He probably weighs around 215lbs with pads too.

Wearing full uniform in football I weight 170lbs and I probably appear around 6'

The biggest kid I've seen so far is 6' 3" 290lbs.

I know he's not fat, it's just weird that he is so insecure about his weight.

And no he's not tall, everything is relative in the game. If you gain 5 inches putting on skates everyone else will too.

Here's your problem:
Responding to Wooly

It's best to ignore the chimps that through feces at you.

Hockey players are wimps that skate around like pixies on ice, you think you're tough lol.

Get your woman secure and stop complaining and stop beating up kids that are like 1/2 your size, literally

I know he's not fat, it's just weird that he is so insecure about his weight.

And no he's not tall, everything is relative in the game. If you gain 5 inches putting on skates everyone else will too.

you're the one who started the discussion about weight. I never brought it up and I'm not sensitive about it at all. you're just making statements that aren't true

I know he's not fat, it's just weird that he is so insecure about his weight.

And no he's not tall, everything is relative in the game. If you gain 5 inches putting on skates everyone else will too.

6' 2" is fairly tall lol

considering the average height for males in like 5' 10"

what is your deal lol. You seem to like to argue where ever you go.

He just fell on his butt after someone ran into him...

you're the one who started the discussion about weight. I never brought it up and I'm not sensitive about it at all. you're just making statements that aren't true

If you weren't sensitive you wouldn't try to prove something that is clearly already true. If you know anything about athletics you would know 190 is kind of light for an athletic build at 6'2". Wanted to see if you knew what you were talking about and you obviously don't if you doubt yourself, I think you're a pretty tough guy, don't worry.

He just fell on his butt after someone ran into him...

If you weren't sensitive you wouldn't try to prove something that is clearly already true. If you know anything about athletics you would know 190 is kind of light for an athletic build at 6'2". Wanted to see if you knew what you were talking about and you obviously don't if you doubt yourself, I think you're a pretty tough guy, don't worry.

focus less on the kid that got hit and more on the kid that hit him

"nah bro just testing"

you're going to start a friction fire with that back-pedalling

"nah bro just testing"

you're going to start a friction fire with that back-pedalling

Bolster, do you love me?

EDIT: Sorry I get love and crush confused sometimes. Do you have a crush on me?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 11:12:07 PM by WooIysRevived »

and to add on to that, my job is to defend the other  guys on the team. if some guy puts on a big hit or goes after one of our guys, it's my job to make sure he either stops or fights me instead. I've gotten the forget beaten out of me twice this season and won seven fights, it takes a lot of balls to do what I do. I also got slashed by a skate through my glove before and have a scar to show for it.

basically I have to fight a stuffload of guys, even guys bigger than me, knowing I'll lose some and win some
man this guy is tough
i know i dont have enough balls to risk getting hurt in a sport dear god who could imagine

man this guy is tough
i know i dont have enough balls to risk getting hurt in a sport dear god who could imagine
my job is to take punches so I can give them. If I recall correctly you play football? I take off my helmet for fights. Plus hockey hits are ridiculously hard, usually into an unmoving wall, nothing to make it any less painful.

Plus I play rugby which is similar to football but no pads. at all.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 11:23:37 PM by rockslide26 »

Although I see your point, I wasn't trying to hurt him, I let him go after one punch
Up until that point he really was in the wrong. But still, even if it was unintentional, I think you ended up doing a lot more harm than he did. It wouldn't hurt to apologize, and hey- maybe he'll see that you're the better person through that and he'll apologize too (and possibly drop charges that I imagine he's planning on pressing)

Also for some reason I forgot to his 'post' before I left to take a shower so now there's 22 new replies I have to look through >.<

edit- also just ignore wooly, 6"2 is obviously tall and playing hockey requires that you be in decent shape.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 11:28:29 PM by Mysteroo »

Bolster, do you love me?

EDIT: Sorry I get love and crush confused sometimes. Do you have a crush on me?
i think you'd be very lucky for anyone to have a crush on you  :cookieMonster:

blowout fracture is the proper term for the skull fracture you gave the dude

Quote from: Wikipedia
A blowout fracture is a fracture of the walls or floor of the orbit. Intraorbital material may be pushed out into one of the paranasal sinuses. This is most commonly caused by blunt trauma of the head, generally personal altercations.