Author Topic: Gamemode Ideas?  (Read 3748 times)

I want to make some gamemodes because there aren't much. Can you give me some ideas?

blockland party like mario party! :D :nes:

we need tetris
relays everywhere


try a payload gamemode or payload race using relay blocks or vehicles
or bots.

or a classic i call

Push Over
A # of bombs will detonate after a # of Seconds. Push the bombs to the other team, and keep it there until
it blows up their spawn to win.

meant to be played with teams

There is an arena and a control room. The controller is a random (or non random) Person.
The controller attempts to kill everyone however, Each attack takes health away.
the stronger the attack, the more health gone.
Each kill gives the controller more health.
Everyone else must survive his attacks until they the Controller dies.

All for one Randomizer
Everyone spawns with one single weapon, which is randomly chosen.
(If "Horse ray" gets chosen, everyone get's a horse ray.)

i have no clever name
Everyone spawns in a single building, which will, in a minute, undergo a disaster which threatens
the life of everyone in it.

You can either attempt to keep the disaster from happening, (With Nuclear meltdowns and C4)
or selude yourself to try and survive (Airplane crashes, meteour showers, fires)

The Better Falling Platforms
Falling platforms with a twist.
Don't be limited 2-dimensionally.
Have the entire "arena" be the falling platforms in a 3-D way.

Make it auto-controlled, with the ability to "defeat" the "auto-controller" instead of just survival.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 06:11:57 PM by The Resonte! »

There is an arena and a control room. The controller is a random (or non random) Person.
The controller attempts to kill everyone however, Each attack takes health away.
the stronger the attack, the more health gone.
Each kill gives the controller more health.
Everyone else must survive his attacks until they the Controller dies.

I'll try to make that

I'll try to make that
let your imagination go wild

you can replace using health with scores, killing him when his score reaches 0 and he starts with 100.

using event contraptions, bots, and vehicles to the arena men.

Cough Cough
nevermind, just noticed that you made a topic concerning it, hehe

Build To Servive

you have 3 minets to build befor -zombie attack
-alien strike
-acid rain
-rising lava

eatch one last 4 minets the player that did not die gets 100 points

Hero Strike

in this game mode there are 2 teams both teams haves a base that spawns team AIs to attack the other base thay do low dmg and have low hp this is where you come in you are the teams "hero" more hp and fire power get points killing the ai every 2 minets everyone is teleported to a "hero" battle arena you ues points to buy batter weapons or upgraid your teams spawner (i allready made a map for this need help with some triggers....)

first to destroy the other teams base wins!

Cat Vs Mouse

i allready have everything set just dont know how to addin a Slayer saved gamemode into it...

Ok so Cat Vs Mouse you mine for minerals you have

-sentry wernch
-sentry controler

Cat haves

-lot of hp

the cat cant go thorw "mouse holes" that haves a bot blocking it to get pass that the cat must kill the bot or find a nather way the game ends when

-mice are all dead

-cat is dead

i might make a CPU cat one

Mini Town Defence

(map 33% done? havent worked on it in a long time...)

something like Hero Strike team pick your hero train get points get weapons after 10 minets a swarm of AI attacks the mini town! defend town hall! youl lose if it gos up in flames!

Tower Defence 6 way!

based off of the Starcraft Broodwar Sunked Tower Defence 6 way this is the same but you have only one turret (sentry) get points to upgraid it

The Map

the map for this game mode haves 6 spawns 3 on eatch side if even one ai reatches the other side you lose so make shour none get pass!

in the middle of the map is where you can but Minerals to upgraid your turret

well thats all for now il report back if i get any more ideas
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 11:57:36 AM by nuketf »

Build To Servive

you have 3 minets to build befor -zombie attack
-alien strike
-acid rain
-rising lava

Even better, survive the disasters!

Mini Town Defence

I'll also improve it so you can chose when they attack.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 03:27:02 PM by Hawt »