Author Topic: Grand List of Factual Inaccuracies in Age of Time  (Read 7250 times)

I'll start.

1. Swords and crossbow bolts are actually extremely inefficient tools for extracting ores from rocks.

2. Copper is not required to smelt gold.

3. The "Swamp" is not a swamp.  It is a marsh or bog.  Swamps are forested wetlands.

Feel free to add your own.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 04:23:41 AM by Plastiware »

4. How do people live in AoT if there are only women... How would they re-produce?

5. those swings with the hook would smash your face in...

6. Public nudity is punished by a few minutes of jail time...

EDIT: [Edited numbering]
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 11:32:35 AM by Bacon Pancakes »

1. How do people live in AoT if there are only women... How would they re-produce?
2. those swings with the hook would smash your face in...
3. Public nudity is punished by a few minutes of jail time...

Thanks for contributing, but please number your inaccuracies properly (4, 5, 6, etc)

Thanks for contributing, but please number your inaccuracies properly (4, 5, 6, etc)
Oh right... Anyway, thanks :)

7. Magically respawning is a thing (Breaks the laws of physics)
8. Monsters appear out of thin air and disappear into thin air when killed (Also breaks the laws of physics)
9. Dynamite is the only way to get wood (You can't exactly get a 2x4 from an explosion)

10. Things coming to life above you and killing you (magic?)

11. You can buy a horse in a general store.

4. How do people live in AoT if there are only women... How would they re-produce?
I think Badspot said they were aloveual at one point.

3. The "Swamp" is not a swamp.  It is a bog.  Swamps are forested wetlands.
Where on earth are you getting this from? I'm pretty sure you just made this up in your own head. You're completely wrong.
Please review the following links: 1 2 and 3.

Where on earth are you getting this from? I'm pretty sure you just made this up in your own head. You're completely wrong.
Please review the following links: 1 2 and 3.

I did look it up, jackass, just not the same way you did.  First sentence from "Swamp" on Wikipedia:

A swamp is a wetland that is forested.

Hardly "completely wrong".

I did look it up, jackass, just not the same way you did.  First sentence from "Swamp" on Wikipedia:

Hardly "completely wrong".
If the sum of all your knowledge on a subject is contained within the first line of a Wikipedia entry, don't attempt to correct others on it.


If the sum of all your knowledge on a subject is contained within the first line of a Wikipedia entry, don't attempt to correct others on it.

here's from Encyclopedia Britannica
swamp, wetland ecosystem characterized by mineral soils with poor drainage and by plant life dominated by trees.

and Merriam-Webster
1: a wetland often partially or intermittently covered with water; especially: one dominated by woody vegetation

and New Hampshire Public Television's NatureWorks
Swamps are forested wetlands. ... Unlike marshes, they have trees and bushes.

and the Environmental Protection Agency
A swamp is any wetland dominated by woody plants.

i think you see these all mean a forested wetland

Gettin' school't. I love it.