Author Topic: Blocklanders you know in real life?  (Read 7817 times)

I might have run into a forum member a few times because I lived in the same area as her. I forgot her forum name though. I have met her dad however multiple times, Does that count?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 05:25:04 PM by tails »

Well...I got my friend to play it and get a key once if that counts...

Can't believe I don't know DrenDran in real life. He lives 10 minutes away from me.

Well...I got my friend to play it and get a key once if that counts...

Can't believe I don't know DrenDran in real life. He lives 10 minutes away from me.
I thought he lived in NY...

Can't believe I don't know Racerboy in real life. He lives 10 minutes away from me :))))))))))))))))))

I'm happy I don't know skullcandy
she lives 5 minutes from me

JOE64 (My cousin)
Viso Jr. (My friend)

I know Electrk and Kniaz cuz I'm a stalker huehue
And I know arbys cuz we're mates
But I haven't met anyone in real life...
Accept for the friends who showed me the game but they haven't played in years

and im persuading one of my friends to buy the game, so yea

only this one seventh grader that lives down my street who i introduced to blockland
hes pretty chill


I don't think the others have forum accounts.

I've met two, but I don't know any IRL. I wouldn't really mind, but if I knew someone I didn't like from BL IRL that'd be no bueno.

nal lives like 40 minutes away from me

I've got my cousin into playing blockland but that doesn't exactly count
my brother used to play v0002/v1.032 back when those were popular, that's how I found BL