Author Topic: Blocklanders you know in real life?  (Read 7802 times)

Does my alter ego count?
(You need friends first)

I know Electrk and Kniaz cuz I'm a stalker huehue

not irl, only on facebook

I know two--both of whom I introduced it to--but neither of them play it anymore.

nal lives like 40 minutes away from me
ima fukn kick ur ass

MusicGuy16, MATT_ZAP, kind of Hellboy (He lives so close to me its not even funny).

Mute and Jerkface.

That's it.

Nobody knows me. I am hidden.

i got 3 of my friends into blockland + a family friend

and i live about 2 miles from greek2me and really close to another blocklander that goes to/went to my highschool

oh yea and i live like half an hour away from nal and pacha but ive never seen them :(

My cousin Derek played the demo a lot in v19, and he introduced me to it in the first place. I had so much fun.

Once, at a big family birthday party at my great aunt's house, I had used 64x cubes to hit the demo brick limit in the slopes, a huge whopping pillar (before I learned about admin orb). I jumped off. Then suddenly I got pulled out of the room to sing happy birthday to some cousins. Right after the song ends, there's a moment of silence, and then suddenly the blockland death scream plays at REALLY loud volume from the other room and everyone cracks up.
Good times.

I just know Derroith.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 10:40:24 PM by Skelesys »

Brother (Niff)
and 2 friends

Still working on getting my friends to play this.

Jacob/Lee but then again I've known him before Blockland. I've also seen people posting about living in St. Louis which I live about 5-10 minutes away from.