Author Topic: The Completely Ordinary Life of Carl the Common Kid  (Read 1734 times)

Carl wakes up on the basketball court again. So far an ordinary Monday morning.
Carl should probably get about his day. He can't sit about forever.

Get your ass up, it's a mother loving school day.

review memories
wtf happened to the court

it couldn't be the black guys because they love basketball

go to school or u wil be late!!

Carl would be late for school! He needs to get to class!

The school isn't as pretty as it used to be.

Carl didn't see anyone at lunch.

Or in English.

And something seemed really different about the Math room.

Quote from: Carl's Mind
"Oh! I know." "They must be playing an elaborate prank on me, and be hiding. I probably look like a fool right now. I wonder where they could be hiding?"
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 05:07:47 PM by Zalot »

what the hell kind of kid speaks that verbosely

look at the damn chalkboards
search around the school

Carl decided to look at all the chalkboards.

Seems pretty normal. Carl decided to climb on top of the school to get a better look around.

Carl was never a very good climber.

Maybe Carl could find some clues at the church.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 05:28:30 PM by Zalot »

Remember all those zombie movies you watched and the games you played instead of doing your homework. This is obviously a zombie apocalypse, quick get a chainsaw and a broom stick!

Carl: avoid the church. it is clearly on fire, and you're gonna die.

Also ponder why there are no people on the streets.

Also ponder why you're jpeg'd.

Also ponder how you got to school in the first place.

Also ponder where your parents are.

Also ponder why you entered the school and your classes when you noticed that nobody was in the halls.

Contemplate your navel, and then maybe find an impractical weapon for self-defense purposes.

There's no one around, go steal things!

Now's your chance, raid the corner store for naughty magazines.

Say "Zombies. How original."