Author Topic: BlueDryBones1's Boss Battles  (Read 28859 times)

Tip: Please do not pester me about admin applications, I look through each and every one of them, carefully.

It will take some time for me to first read all of them, then deny what I need to, then get the admins to vote. This takes time, so please be patient while I sort through everything.

I'm back with nothing important except of a kind of crime or something I will not talk about. Anyways time to move on to the Character of da day!

Movie Character of the Day: Scout Trooper

I saw a Boss driving the Light/Mini Tank in the server. The problem with it is when the Boss rams into a Normal, the Normal is instantly killed by just 1 hit from it. It is overpowered to me. He even rammed into me and I died instantly with 1 hit. I think you guys need to modify the vehicle's server.cs file and decrease the damage.

Currently have removed Boxer's Sandman for a while due to swarms of them leaving giant bosses helpless as they are OHKOd by mercenaries. Someone will change permanenty. It will be the Boxer or the Mercenary. Unless I can find a way to make it so that maybe the larger bosses are immune to getting stunned. Perhaps I can make it so Spys get the regular butterfly knife but I know then its uses will go down by a lot as Pioneers will outclass it a lot. Boxer really likes the sandman but Boxing Gloves and the Face Puncher have gotten pretty good damage buffs as well as the Boxer having the highest HP of all the normal (300 for a non miniboss is really impressive). But the Boxer's range is really limited.

Modern has given a boss idea that I feel would make a much better miniboss. I don't really like the weapons he recommended due to being OP but it will give the much needed free jets class because I can make a normal class out of it. Just need to figure out the appropriate weapons.

Also Bowser been added. Although he does have a powerful ranged attack I feel he is a bit too easy to fight. Next time I update he might get an HP buff that will even make Zeus jealous. That is if he continues to go down rather easily.

I saw a Boss driving the Light/Mini Tank in the server. The problem with it is when the Boss rams into a Normal, the Normal is instantly killed by just 1 hit from it. It is overpowered to me. He even rammed into me and I died instantly with 1 hit. I think you guys need to modify the vehicle's server.cs file and decrease the damage.

That tank cant go up stairs. Its best to camp on higher places until you kill the tank. Stealth Bomber and Grenadiers have large range to be able to get a hit on the tank rather easily. Especially Stealth Bomber. If your good with him you can probably 2HKO the tank with the FaecPwner9000.

Though for a long time we have been considering a vehicle change for rampage. We feel he's not a bad idea but his idea could be improved to be better.

Also normal spawn with 4 seconds of temporary invincibility. That should be enough to reach the nearest stairs.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:56:50 PM by BlueDryBones1 »

Hey blue. I feel its my duty to warn you that there is a problem with the West Police city Map.

The tank turret and the MG turrets on the map are able to be boarded by the boss. Please fix these by either editing it so only normal can use them or by removing them. Thank you :)

Turns out every vehicle can be boarded by the boss and used against us! :O Please fix this ok :/
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 10:06:02 PM by lord techno »

Hey blue. I feel its my duty to warn you that there is a problem with the West Police city Map.

The MG turrets next to the main turret in the building are able to be used by the boss. This makes it very Op in cirtain situations. Please edit them so that only we can enter them or remove them altogether. Thank you :)

That means someone *looks at police* didn't paint them blue or didn't use the slayer vehicle spawn. I'll be sure to fix them tomorrow is nobody already did.

Also I personally think that the Second Thoughts is total bullstuff and really OP.

I know that the traitor is a WEAKER boss but regardless 2 bosses are just so loving hard. Nobody ever wins that.

I personally ask that you remove it cause its just so frustrating. Or at least do SOMTHING to make it less tough.

Thanks.  :panda:

Blue, if you have any ideas for the server. Let me know.

The more detail the better it can be. It cannot be a big project because I am working on something new for my server.

We need to make a server where new maps will be constructed

We need to make a server where new maps will be constructed

Not so sure about a server dedicated to making maps, but we could have volunteers make maps for us to review. Let me hear some feedback on this.

Not so sure about a server dedicated to making maps, but we could have volunteers make maps for us to review. Let me hear some feedback on this.
I could Get some of my friends to build some more maps with me,But it will take some time

I could Get some of my friends to build some more maps with me,But it will take some time
"With me"


Also I personally think that the Second Thoughts is total bullstuff and really OP.

I know that the traitor is a WEAKER boss but regardless 2 bosses are just so loving hard. Nobody ever wins that.

I personally ask that you remove it cause its just so frustrating. Or at least do SOMTHING to make it less tough.

Thanks.  :panda:

They are fine now as is. What is OP is when there are too little normal to fight them though. Is there a VCE for on a certain playercount an event will trigger?

I could have it like the v1 way where when a traitor joins the healing stations become available to the normal for free but idk if that then gives the boss a disadvantage. Also need new healing stations as well since I deleted the old ones b/c I thought the design could be better

We need to make a server where new maps will be constructed

I can always host another dedi from my own computer. I still need to finish Castelia City. Also got another good idea but idk how to lay out the map design.

Not so sure about a server dedicated to making maps, but we could have volunteers make maps for us to review. Let me hear some feedback on this.

Don't know if any problems will arise from this. People should however keep in mind that I have OCD and any uneccesary bricks causing spam will drive me crazy. Should only build around the area where you respawn after you control K so there is 0% chance of overlap, and keep in mind that credit is given to respective creators. Also that its a Boss Battles stage so it cant be TOO complicated.


On another note I feel like giving the normal spawn rooms more... stuff idk Eye candy I guess. Like I want to make mini versions of the stage like the mini classic arena I made on the admin room's TV but for all the stages so people can see what they are picking. Might make the normal spawn room bigger so the info room is connected to it or I'll make a new teleporter for it. Don't know.

Hopefully I can get some help for Castelia City. I need good builders who played Pokémon Black/White. I'm only 20% done. I do allow a limit on how many buildings I want in a row so its not perfectly to scale :s I'm still working on it by myself

I think the mini-arena behind the admin room TV is cute.

I'm watching a sick dog today so I wont be on. If you see anyone there that I knew tell them I wont be on today. I may be on later but idk. Also blue, top wants to assist me in construction of my boss battles. So if you could get some free time for him that would be great. Thanks everybody.

In Soviet Russia Joke Of The Day: In soviet Russia. Bee dousnt sting you. YOU STING BEE!

(yes I'm doing this now)