Author Topic: sharp shadows  (Read 2771 times)

can someone take the normal glsl shadow stuff and make it so it doesnt look like dogstuff when you have your render distance all the way up and it just looks clearer and better other than being pixely

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
how do that

Enter each line into the console.
and how do i keep it so i dont have to enter the lines every time
if i need to

and how do i keep it so i dont have to enter the lines every time
if i need to

save it as client.cs
put client.cs in an addon
put addon in addons folder

can someone make it into a addon then?
i am not familiar with addons and stuff

lol it's really easy
he explained how to do it to you

lol it's really easy
he explained how to do it to you
i guess im on my own
so i just paste the code into a client.cs and put it in a zip called "Client_SharpShadows" and thats it?

can someone make it into a addon then?
i am not familiar with addons and stuff

Copy the code lines into notepad, and save it as client.cs, not client.cs.txt
Make a new zip file called Client_Sharp
Make a new .txt file called description
Inside description.txt, add:
Code: [Select]
Author: Plexious
Put both description.txt and client.cs into
Put into your Add-Ons folder
Run Blockland.

There, simple enough?

EDIT: Lol, I just realized that the shadow also appears on ghost bricks.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 10:26:19 PM by TeeOS »

Copy the code lines into notepad, and save it as client.cs, not client.cs.txt
Make a new zip file called Client_Sharp
Make a new .txt file called description
Inside description.txt, add:
Code: [Select]
Author: Plexious
Put both description.txt and client.cs into
Put into your Add-Ons folder
Run Blockland.

There, simple enough?

EDIT: Lol, I just realized that the shadow also appears on ghost bricks.
so thats the code inside client.cs
and i run the game and packaged the addon and its not looking as it should

it appears in the rtb list though