Author Topic: Pestilence - A Zombie RP  (Read 2538 times)

A Zombie Roleplay


Some Background (Ill probably edit this later, because its kind of stuffty.)
In the year 2032, society is booming. Earth has reached a population over 10 Billion, and the scientific community is booming. Its not until July of 2033 that things begin to go haywire. It started in Germany,  No one really knew where it came from, or what caused it, but people began falling deathly ill. After a week, most of Germany overtaken with this flu-like sickness, and after a month, most of Germany was dead. Countries began to panic. Borders were soon closed, and any kind of travel was brought to a complete stop.

But by then, it was too late. Over half the population on earth was dead, and the death rate still rose. Then, the dead began to rise.

The year is now 2035. Some estimate the global population is a little more than 10,000. Those who survived did so by sticking together, and surviving off of the land. The dead still roam the earth freely, and mother nature has reclaimed most of what she owned...


This RP takes place in the ruins of Los Angeles. Most of the city has been demolished in the years following the apocalypse, but few still hold on to the city, hoping that one day they might be rid of the the dead, and could rebuild what was left.

The city is mostly fictional in this RP, and is made up of 3 main parts;

1. The Mall. While not a single area, "The Mall" encompasses most of the stores that were in pre-apocalypse LA.
2. The Residential District. What it sounds like, this area is built up of many houses and hotels.
3. The Beach. This is region full of tourist attractions and restaurants... Well, it was before the apocalypse.
(Locations can be added later on in the RP, if needed.)


Rules and Guidelines
1. You are not god in this world, so dont pretend to be. You can get hurt and die.
2. No killing other players unless I (or they) approve.
3. You cant just pull stuff out of your ass.
4. This is not Left for Dead, zombies have no special powers here, nor can they run after you.
5. Have an idea or question? Message me about it.
6. I hold final word on any decision, and have the power to change the rules where I see fit.

Character Sheets

Age: (Please, no minors. The youngest age I'll accept is 17, and even that is pushing it.)
Appearance: (Clothes, Height, Hair Colour, ect.)
Inventory: (Blah, blah. The typical RP rule applies, no starting out with overpowered weapons. If you arent sure if you have something that is overpowered, message me.)
Location: (Anywhere in the city is okay.)
Backstory: (At least a paragraph, please.)
*Other: (Completely optional, but just in case you want to add anything else to your character that isnt required.)

K, go.

~-Character Sheets-~

Name: Chace Andrews
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: I have black hair, and blue eyes. I'm 6'6" and sport a longish beard with some killer shades. I typically wear a black polo shirt with a pair of basketball shorts.
Inventory: A flashlight, a pack of gum, some bobby pins, and a pocket knife.
Location: The Beach, atop a high rise hotel.
Backstory: I was born in LA. I've always been kind of a nerd in life, but due to my size I've never really been messed with. After the outbreak, me and my family got together and tried to survive. My parents were both killed early on, and my sister soon after. I'm all alone now, and I dont plan on leaving LA any time soon.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 04:29:33 PM by Amerax »

Name: Gregory Skrebnev

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: Red shirt that has the word Ketchup with a stick figure with a hamburger head, jean shorts, 6 feet tall, a mix of green, blue, and orange hair color.

Inventory: Combat Knife, Kimber. ->

Location: The Southwest section of the city in some apartment building for middle-wealth people.

Backstory: I'm an Ukrainian immigrant that decided to live in L.A. As I heard word of zombies, first I thought we were safe, then later my parents, Arina and Igor, 5 of my siblings (out of 7 excluding me), and then my girlfriend, Diana, died. I'm alone with only my older sister, Abby, my younger brother, Treather, and my best best friend, McJustico Alejandro Smith.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:47:22 PM by GregtheMajor5748 »

What general type of zombie are these?  Headshots?  Running?  How serious is the threat? 


What general type of zombie are these?  Headshots?  Running?  How serious is the threat? 

I said in OP that they dont run. Headshots are the most effective way of taking them down. And, well, they're Zombies, so I guess the threat is srs bznz.

Name: Gregory Skrebnev
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Appearance: Red shirt that has the word Ketchup with a stick figure with a hamburger head, jean shorts, 6 feet tall, a mix of green, blue, and orange hair color.
Inventory: Combat Knife, Kimber.
Location: The Southwest section of the city in some apartment building for middle-wealth people.
Backstory: This man was the brainiac of history and geography. He went to the Geography Bee twice in his childhood. He likes Half-Life, a band named Scorpions ( and has a Sony Ericcson Xperia Play ( He is rumored to have a girlfriend named Veronica but he is actually dating a girl named Diana. He came from the Western plains of Ukraine, near Kiev, where his parents lived. But 6 months before 9-11, he immigrated to the US. He was planning to move to Phoenix, Arizona a few RP days before the Apocalypse started.
Work on that backstory. Its pretty awful.

Is a backstory 100% needed.

Is a backstory 100% needed.

It just tells more about your roleplay character.

It just tells more about your roleplay character.
But is it necessary.

But is it necessary.

Why wouldn't you have one? You need to have a well-developed character with a balanced personality and elaborate story if you want to roleplay well.

Why wouldn't you have one? You need to have a well-developed character with a balanced personality and elaborate story if you want to roleplay well.
I prefer the story being told in the actual roleplay, through hints and other things.

Character Sheet

Name: Wallace 'Credit' Standmann

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: (Clothes, Height, Hair Colour, ect.) 6'4, brown hair (looks like this: ). He wears a long dark red unbuttoned overcoat going just below his knees underneath is a dark gray polo T-shirt, denim with black kneepads, and leather-wired shoes.

Inventory: A SIG P226
A pack of cards

Location: Just around the outskirts of the Residential District.

Backstory: Born American in North Carolina,  raised Russian in Moscow. Fluent Russian, fluent English. He was arrested in 2031 for using handguns on a gang, (Pleaded self-defense) and released. Adopted as an only child, he was constantly ridiculed in his younger years for being American. Mostly small-talk about World War I and II, but after that he was left alone. He dropped out of college in 2033 due to the outbreak happening. His university was evacuated and was sent to an airport, where all of them died. Luckily, Wallace was left behind, having been shoved into a locker at campus. By the time he had gotten out, everyone was gone. Later on he retrieved his Sig Sauer from the box he had kept private in his own locker.

*Other: Doesn't use a lot of apostrophes when speaking English.
