Author Topic: Hawf's Artist Workshop  (Read 10641 times)

pretty nice? It's hands down mandatory for sculpting.
For digital sculpting, sure.

I've never really found digital to be as incredible as traditional, though.  Fixing mistakes and replicating symmetry/etc via digital sculpting is ridiculously simple.  It's efficient and therefore appropriate for business practices, but on a level of expertise, I'd say there's no doubt traditional sculpting is significantly more difficult and requires much more competence.

That being said, really love your stuff.  The stylized aspect to your work flows so well.  There are multiple perspective issues with some of these works, a sort of "flat" feel, if you will, but it seems to work given the style alone.  But when you mesh with more realistic illustration, it's much more apparent and much less appropriate (still on a very small scale, though).  If you want specific examples I'll provide them.  I'm under the impression you're open to constructive criticisms.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 07:54:39 PM by Lalam24 »

I've never understood shading. I've seen your work and you take two colors, one as a base color and the other for shadowing. How did you familiarize yourself on how to shade. I guess that's one reason I've never been able to silhouette.

Im good at line art but I suck at colors
How do I fix

Im good at line art but I suck at colors
How do I fix
find someone who you think is great at colours and brown townyse their work
here are a few good artists who are great at colour from two different spectrums

This guys is great at muted and muddy colours

this guy is great at juicey and bright colours

another thing you can do is study light sources and shadows

in the mean time here's some work

Good stuff.

Not going to reply to the feedback at all?

Do you have any advice for figure drawing? Mine's all messed up and although I try to keep proportions straight I don't know the muscles and bones well enough to draw 'em accurately. Besides this, my posing is horrendous. Do you have any study suggestions for this?

Do you have any advice for figure drawing? Mine's all messed up and although I try to keep proportions straight I don't know the muscles and bones well enough to draw 'em accurately. Besides this, my posing is horrendous. Do you have any study suggestions for this?
are you drawing from reference?

Nope, just drawing.
Well there's your problem
you need to draw from reference to do figure drawing, that's what figure drawing is
photo reference is fine or even better a live model, my college has a life drawing course that I had a few semesters back

Well there's your problem
you need to draw from reference to do figure drawing, that's what figure drawing is
photo reference is fine or even better a live model, my college has a life drawing course that I had a few semesters back

Oh! Thank you. I guess it isn't figure drawing then, just doodling. Another question; since I've been drawing for a bit but haven't been using references or studying a lot, how do I right what I "learned" wrong?

Oh! Thank you. I guess it isn't figure drawing then, just doodling. Another question; since I've been drawing for a bit but haven't been using references or studying a lot, how do I right what I "learned" wrong?
find references and start using them
I left a few links in the OP

find references and start using them
I left a few links in the OP

Very well then. Thanks!

and some odst fan art because odst was fantastic