Author Topic: gmod not starting  (Read 1166 times)

avast detected these files as some evo-gen win32 stuff when i tried to start gmod
so i went into the virus chest:

how would i fix this, please help
its happening to my friend also
what the forget

restore items
disable anti-virus
run it, its probably a false positive
or just google it????

restore items
disable anti-virus
run it, its probably a false positive
or just google it????
how would i restore them

ugh this really needs to be fixed
im about to blow a gasket

ye it's avast!, if you go to the virus chest thing you can hit restore but next time you go into GMOD it adds them back.

mine does not start either stop flipping stuff max

ye it's avast!, if you go to the virus chest thing you can hit restore but next time you go into GMOD it adds them back.
is there a way you can make the files a false positive for them to run?

turns out i think you can do this:
J. Cricket   2 minutes ago     
If you have Avast you can bypass the steam folder completely. Open up the user interface for Avast -> Click on Settings (Top right hand corner) -> Click on "Global Exclusions" in the window that pops up -> Enter the file path for your steam folder or click on the "Add" button and browse for your steam folder (e.g. mine was F:\Programs\Steam\*) the "*" indicates that anything within that folder is also exempt. If you have some other antivirus that's doing the same thing I suggest finding a way to exclude the steam folder.
brb trying to see if this works

if it worked lock topic

I would suggest switching to something like Malwarebytes.  I had Avast for a long time, and eventually decided to switch after many false positives.  Malwarebytes however is very high quality, and does a really good job at virus detection.