Author Topic: Official Armed Lynx Weaponry Addon Pack! BETA(Combat Shotgun WIP Brutal leadfix)  (Read 33500 times)

The Brutal Lead doesn't show up third person.

The Service Magnum is way to close to the players face, zoom it out a bit.
big pageloss

Lol'd at all the stupid in this thread.

Anyways Elboomo, some people are right, the models do need work just a little bit, as i recall they were too big for blockhead to even hold. perhaps scale them down, maybe trim up the models a bit?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 12:55:13 AM by Xeidious* »

I found a weird as hell bug in the Brutal Lead. When it's in 3rd person, the gun except the shield dissapears.

1st Person:

3rd Person:

Did anyone notice this?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 09:28:57 PM by Theepicman »

seems he forgot to provide a world model and only created a 1st person model

also if there are yellow circles why not just take another screenshot?!?!?

seems he forgot to provide a world model and only created a 1st person model

also if there are yellow circles why not just take another screenshot?!?!?
do you even know how blockland works?

do you even know how blockland works?
obviously not, although he's got the general idea down and is fundamentally right

sorry i've never looked into this kind of stuff, I don't know how blockland works. I was going off of what i've heard lately.

obviously not, although he's got the general idea down and is fundamentally right

really? oh yay me

does that have to do with lod

yeah, he must not have properly parented the main model to detail32
incidentally that's how bushido suggested handeling hands, so good going there, guy

my friend, you need a cookie for your hard work!  :cookie:

IDK why people are so hurt by this gun, is it so terrible? Sure, its got more logos on it than a race car but I like it. Very new and different design.

lol @ special little snowflakes raging at OP for not taking their "great" advice. 

IDK why people are so hurt by this gun, is it so terrible?

since when am i raging

since he started this thread