Author Topic: HOLY stuff GUYS IM GETTING HACKED  (Read 19475 times)

zealot is some loving richardfart that likes to be an starfish to people and always leave someone out.
his stupidity is quite unusual and annoying.

And this is why you shouldn't mess with a mod.
I wasn't even messing with him. I was calling out Emo Freak for posting almost nude pictures of himself on a forum that consists mainly of 15 year old boys in order to assert his homoloveuality. It's disgusting.

There's a difference between a homoloveual and a flamboyant nuisance who is determined in further the stereotype. It wasn't more 'flaming'. I was asked why I was angry with him and I said 'because he's a flamboyant annoying homoloveual', 'flamboyant/annoying' being the key term. I even explained in the literal next post down that I had nothing against homoloveuals.

I don't even know wtf to say about 'flaming' considering it wasn't flaming. Posting half naked pictures of yourself online when nobody asked for them is attention whoring and I don't see how calling them out on that is flaming either.

But hey, whatever, I'll let them have their thing. Apparently being adverse to child enthusiasm is family values and is a bannable offence (yet I've never seen anyone get banned for common sense or racism)

But hey, whatever, I'll let them have their thing. Apparently being adverse to child enthusiasm is family values and is a bannable offence (yet I've never seen anyone get banned for common sense or racism)

I've banned a number of people for racism. Don't go saying I don't know what I'm doing when you clearly haven't got a clue about how these forums operate.

Your own emotion is clearly getting in the way, with all the stuff that gets said on this forum every day the only logical reason I can draw from you banning me is not because it was homophobic or flaming (which it wasn't), but because YOU got offended that someone was attacking your friends, or someone you can relate to at the very least.

I've banned a number of people for racism. Don't go saying I don't know what I'm doing when you clearly haven't got a clue about how these forums operate.

what gets you a longer ban, racism or child enthusiasm?

Your own emotion is clearly getting in the way, with all the stuff that gets said on this forum every day the only logical reason I can draw from you banning me is not because it was homophobic or flaming (which it wasn't), but because YOU got offended that someone was attacking your friends, or someone you can relate to at the very least.

What's wrong with you? You clearly have no idea how to behave in an online community given the number of permanent bans you've had from this forum alone. Your post got reported, I looked at it - I decided you were being a cunt and then I discovered you've been a massive cunt on that account already and you got an extended ban.

I'd be well within my rights to throw a permanent ban at this account as well given your history and my emotions sure are saying I'd like to ban the stuff out of you - how am I possibly able to control myself?!?!

Drop it already, dumbstuff.

You didn't ban me for being a cunt, you banned me for "family values and flaming" when the post wasn't either of those.

Even if you did ban me for being a cunt I find my own behavior on my recent accounts pretty indistinguishable from the other half of the forum.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 03:44:19 PM by Ephialtes »

What's wrong with you? You clearly have no idea how to behave in an online community given the number of permanent bans you've had from this forum alone. Your post got reported, I looked at it - I decided you were being a cunt and then I discovered you've been a massive cunt on that account already and you got an extended ban.

I'd be well within my rights to throw a permanent ban at this account as well given your history and my emotions sure are saying I'd like to ban the stuff out of you - how am I possibly able to control myself?!?!

Drop it already, dumbstuff.
Dezcaban just got wrecked

you could at-least hold off the ass kissing until the argument is over

Ephi probably has better things to do than argue with you dez

You didn't ban me for being a cunt, you banned me for "family values and flaming" when the post wasn't either of those.

Even if you did ban me for being a cunt I find my own behavior on my recent accounts pretty indistinguishable from the other half of the forum.

User was banned for this post
R.I.P, Dezcaben.

-Did not drop the argument-

August 01, 2012 - October 27th, 2013

You didn't ban me for being a cunt, you banned me for "family values and flaming" when the post wasn't either of those.

Even if you did ban me for being a cunt I find my own behavior on my recent accounts pretty indistinguishable from the other half of the forum.

User was banned for this post
r.i.p in pizza in peace

User was banned for this post
oh stuff why didn't I see that coming

You didn't ban me for being a cunt, you banned me for "family values and flaming" when the post wasn't either of those.

Even if you did ban me for being a cunt I find my own behavior on my recent accounts pretty indistinguishable from the other half of the forum.

User was banned for this post

more like dezcabanned am i rite