Author Topic: Go to the nearest book, Turn to page 69 and read the first sentence  (Read 8441 times)

I Decided to revive this thread ONCE more!

Page 69 of the nearest book is now your love life.

"I felt bad for them, because they would always feel empty without Anthony."

(Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul)

"Cautiously, the mouth applied to the valve, I breathe."

"Sheldon held his breath, having Amy press her body against him and the sweet smell of tea in her breath breathing against his lips made him feels shivers down his spine."

"This electrical charge builds up until it eventually discharges, producing a lighting bolt."
Book is What Makes Flamingos Pink.

what about a dvd?
a movie?
an internet page?


what about a dvd?
a movie?
an internet page?

It's depressing if you don't have a book in your house.

Out of the corner of his Eye he saw Sabrina raise a hand in a gesture of good luck.

"After this, whatever touches them will be holy"


Closest book was The Hunger Games so we're moving onto the second closest book...

First sentence, first paragraph, page 69...

"Probing with his index finger, he found one of the hinges; it was coated in oil."

First actual sentence was...

"He froze."

the book nearest to me didn't have a sentence on the page (it was a book about birds, that page only had pictures and a few words but no sentences), and i think that's pretty fitting

"When she comes back in she's got two cans of Bud and she pops them both and gives one to Iggy."

"A blue light had appeared in the darkness: It grew larger and brighter, and Lupin and George appeared, spinning and then falling."
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.