Author Topic: Suggest a server~  (Read 1427 times)

Alright guys, it just so happens that I'm bored out of my mind and I thoroughly enjoy hosting. However, I don't use any sort of hosting service because I don't like to pour extra money into a game that I already own. My question for you guys is:

If you could see any server (excluding stuffty roleplays, boss battles, etc) on the server list, what kind of server would you like to see?

Now, obviously, I can't build it completely by myself. I've worked with a few people off and on to create a DM that I never got to complete because a certain somebody *cough* Facechild *cough* had to finish exams and I lacked the motivation to do it alone. So, if you want to see a good server on the list, given that you don't suggest something really stupid, feel free to volunteer as a builder/scripter/whatever to help complete it.

I like community projects. You can suggest anything as long as it's not on the server list already UNLESS:

- It's a detailed version that actually requires effort to make

- It's a specific type of a certain thing that isn't stupid

- You reeeeeally want to try and throw up another stuffty, unoriginal server (which I will most likely deny taking part of).

And before anyone says it, yes, I will accept CityRPGs. I used to host a couple of them which turned out to be pretty great. However, I only build CityRPGs that are original and clean. I try to keep the lag to a minimum but I don't enjoy creating cheesy, boring cities. So, if you want to build a CityRPG with me, that's cool, just help me make one that isn't dumb. Finding a good CityRPG is rare these days.

TL;DR: Suggest any server you'd like to see and I will build it as long as it's not stupid. Help would be appreciated.

Given my time schedule, if I have to build something myself, you'll likely never see it happen.

~A tdm~
the build has bombs scattered around it, maybe 1, maybe 11
these bombs must be pushed to the enemy base and kept there until they explode (all at once, after maybe 11 minutes)
the team with the most bombs pushed to the enemy team wins

yeah this is really rough so point out any errors or make it cooler

~a shoe rp~
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 04:15:54 PM by The Resonte! »

An actual trench warfare server. One with real WWI and WWII trenches. With front lines and everything. And barbed wire. I think it would be so cool.

~A tdm~
the build has bombs scattered around it, maybe 1, maybe 11
these bombs must be pushed to the enemy base and kept there until they explode (all at once, after maybe 11 minutes)
the team with the most bombs pushed to the enemy team wins

yeah this is really rough so point out any errors or make it cooler

~a shoe rp~

This kind of idea, the bombs, is something you'd need to elaborate on with detail. I'd most likely need a lot of assistance with that kind of project.


I haven't played creeper in ages. Is the mod still on RTB? I might host that. Would you guys want to build a custom map for that?

An actual trench warfare server. One with real WWI and WWII trenches. With front lines and everything. And barbed wire. I think it would be so cool.

Many times have I thought about building a server based on the fall of Berlin. Maybe we could mix these ideas together and create something fantastic.

Destruction of Sodom:

A last man standing survival where rocket projectiles rain on the town.

Note: May be laggy...

Many times have I thought about building a server based on the fall of Berlin. Maybe we could mix these ideas together and create something fantastic.
Lets do it. BL Id:29653 my IGN is Psyche

A well moderated creeper server would be fun.
I'd be willing to build with this if it's chosen.

I'd be willing to build with this if it's chosen.
Well I hope not one, but all of the good ideas get chosen. Im so sick of seeing these Rps, and jail servers.

This kind of idea, the bombs, is something you'd need to elaborate on with detail. I'd most likely need a lot of assistance with that kind of project.
ok so

let's say you have a tdm with the standard 2 teams layout (but it doesn't have to be 2)
and there are bombs (maybe evented bricks? can be multiple bombs?) that must be pushed into the other team's side (maybe with onTeamTouch events?) and kept there until the timelimit is reached and all the bombs blow up at the same time, and the team with the LEAST bombs on their side wins

ok so

let's say you have a tdm with the standard 2 teams layout (but it doesn't have to be 2)
and there are bombs (maybe evented bricks? can be multiple bombs?) that must be pushed into the other team's side (maybe with onTeamTouch events?) and kept there until the timelimit is reached and all the bombs blow up at the same time, and the team with the LEAST bombs on their side wins

I like this idea. My abilities with eventing have deteriorated because of all the years of not using them, so I'd need a decent eventer to help me out with this sort of build. I can event, just not to that extreme of a level. Eventing bombs that can be pushed sounds like you'd have to do a repetitive OnPlayer/TeamTouch kind of event that would make the bomb disappear and reappear on the next block. But it can be done, I think.

Well I hope not one, but all of the good ideas get chosen. Im so sick of seeing these Rps, and jail servers.

I agree with you one hundred percent. I've been waiting for at least one original server to pop up and have found nothing. I'm taking matters into my own hands again.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 05:02:14 PM by Moonstar Akemi »

I like this idea. My abilities with eventing have deteriorated because of all the years of not using them, so I'd need a decent eventer to help me out with this sort of build. I can event, just not to that extreme of a level. Eventing bombs that can be pushed sounds like you'd have to do a repetitive OnPlayer/TeamTouch kind of event that would make the bomb disappear and reappear on the next block. But it can be done, I think.
indeed it can and for the low low price of $20 you can enlist resonte's services for FREEEEEE

it'd probably be a load of
OnTeamTouch > Disappear (-1), fireRelay(direction), setEventsEnabled(numbers and box)

in truth the bombs idea is very customizable to change it to your liking

Should I make a multiplayer campaign game mode thing?