Author Topic: The Survivor 2299  (Read 15392 times)

A website supposedly posted by the developers/publishers of Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

The date translates to December 11th - 2299 would make it 15 or so years after Fallout: New Vegas.

As seen in the image it's counting down to something.

The morse code translates to 11.12.13 from what I've read.

A new addition to the Fallout series may be on its way!
According to the official wiki of Fallout, it was registered by Bethesda's parent company, and the IP can be traced to them.
This proves that it is from them. However, the site is registered under GoDaddy and not CLC Hosting (the one they usually use).
It is also hosted in Europe, and not in USA.

Also, if you look in the properties of the site it includes a file named Fallout.CS

And, the font used is in both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vages.

This proves that Bethesda (or a company owned by the same parent company) may be developing a new Fallout game.
But, I wouldn't get your hopes up. There is no set date, and the website was registered only a couple of days ago.

Known Sources
Voice actor of Three Dog tweets some interesting things
Tumblr Account associated with The Survivor 2299 website

« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 05:06:33 AM by Navaro »

According to
"It's not just you! looks down from here."

I had left this webpage loading and I couldn't figure out where the morse code was coming from. It was soooo annoying lol.

Ok, so what exactly are we dealing with here?

Fallout 4? New Fallout? There's tons of possibilities.


Uhh current date is 11.14.13


Uhh current date is 11.14.13
Could be the date the site was started? Who knows.

looks like just some stuffty fan-made joke

Most likely but it's very interesting though.
"I could really do without more false Fallout 4 rumors so let's hope it's not."

Seems like it could be legit, bethesda hasn't released anything for a while. Plus I really love fallout so I hope it's real.

EDIT: Not to mention the next generation of consoles just came out, so It wouldn't be surprising that bethesda is trying to get games on there.

most obvious one of all is that the date is in european form, 11 - 12 - 2013, while bethesda is an american company
second, website is registered through godaddy while previous bethesda websites were registered through corporatedomains
this is fake