Author Topic: Steam Suggestion: Change Toaster Location  (Read 929 times)

Other Steamworks games do this, some games put the toaster (the overlay notification area) in the top right corner, and CS:GO even allows you to put it in any corner, so I know it's supported (Though I don't know if it's difficult, can't say I've used the Steamworks API).  Can we get an entry in the options to move it as at the default position it covers some menu buttons (ie the start server stuff).

I have never heard of the terminology "Toaster" for this feature, but I love it and will now use it forever.  On another note, this would be a very nice thing to have.  Although, for Blockland, I imagine that the only non-obstructive corner would be the bottom-right anyway.  Not much goes on in that area, but anywhere else would cover paint, chat, or the tool drop-down.

Shouldn't the default RTB Overlay keybind be changed now?

Yeah blockland kind of hogs all 4 corners. Bottom right would be least intrusive as it only covers main menu buttons and whether or not you're super shifting. You can still click the menu buttons when steam's toast is ready though.

Yeah blockland kind of hogs all 4 corners. Bottom right would be least intrusive as it only covers main menu buttons and whether or not you're super shifting. You can still click the menu buttons when steam's toast is ready though.
That's why we should be able to choose.  The first tool isn't as important to me.

I have absolutely never seen anybody describe the notification as toasters.
And I can't stop laughing at it aaa

"La-dee-daa-dee-daa startin' mah server."
*Steam Notif*