Author Topic: Free trips to africa!!!  (Read 1374 times)

I saw this a while ago. It's wrong, buts its hilarious.

That's terrible. Very tribal and moronic.

That was actually pretty awesome

That's terrible. Very tribal and moronic.
its really funny lol, have some humor

I died when they were holding up the watermelon saying how much there was in Africa.
And also when they put kfc on a string

they mad when you dont help them, then they mad when you do.
but they dont help themselves either.

homies so confusing

That's the best thing I have ever seen.

i think its funny how black people make up 13% of the population but account for 67% of all AIDS patients

he's obviously trying to improve his country like a real patriot would

edit: omfg this is the best thing ive seen in my life holy stuff
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 03:12:52 AM by Stocking »

11/10 I cried, holy stuff lol.

I love how the police officer was on a bike and weighs like a hundred kg :D

I love how the police officer was on a bike and weighs like a hundred kg :D
what the forget is a kg
the only time i will ever use a kg is when i figure out the N in an object

Kilogram. Metric mass/weight term.

what the forget is a kg
the only time i will ever use a kg is when i figure out the N in an object
what the rest of the world uses for weight

what the forget is a kg
the only time i will ever use a kg is when i figure out the N in an object

It's what normal people use to weigh things.