Author Topic: Blockland Aces: The Cartelian War [On Base]  (Read 72998 times)

I sigh and finish the MRE. I walk over to the Falcon that I borrowed from the base and just look at it. Aside from a couple bullet holes here and there, she looks gorgeous. I decide that I'm never going to replace this plane through hell and high water.

I walk up to Steele. He is admiring an F16

"You should replace this plane,"

"Why? It's a beautiful jet, and it saved my life. What if I hadn't gotten to a jet in time? What if I had been at base when the bomb went off? I mean, I could see replacing it if it were a prop plane, but not this thing."
I don't bother mentioning it's one of the new F-16 models updated for 2019.

F16s were purposely designed to have little to no room to upgrade.

"They don't have any room at all to upgrade, and they're only a fourth generation fighter aircraft,"

"That's true. I suppose I have a better choice..."
I'm later seen on the phone with what remains of high command.
"Yes, a T-50. Yes, I know it's expensive. You can bill me after the war's over."
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 10:16:07 PM by Gojira »

oh for forget's sake guys
deoxys give us a mission

"What aircraft did you order?"

"T-50. Bit expensive but they're great planes."

"The T-50? As in, the Sukhoi PAK FA T-50? Hah, as if we didn't have enough planes developed and shipped by the Yukes," I say as I happen upon the others, fresh from the Flanker's roosterpit with a flight manual tucked underarm. My eyes wander back to the lineup of fighters parked under the hangars. "It's almost like we never left Estovakia."

"Talk about it. The days I spent with Strigon were some of the best in my life. And I'm not even gonna factor Pasternak in. Guy was a hoot. Shame he died at the hands of Garuda Team. I can't deny that they weren't skilled though, far more skilled than any of us ever were."

Anatoliy awoke with a sudden jerk, inhaling sharply.  "Jesus.  forgetin' hate that..." he said as he got out of the bunker, wincing as his arms are in pain.  He walks out of the bunk room and outside, stretching.  Night slowly was beginning to fall, and a light smog clouded the area.  "Gross." he said. walking around with his hands tucked into his flight suit's pockets.  He simply walked up and down the strip, looking around, somewhat lost and alone.

I'm not sure if I'd call those days some of the best in my life. I try to keep the conversation rolling regardless.

"To be fair, we probably would've done much better against them if everyone in the squadron shared the same amount of experience. I was barely old enough to drink when the generals first placed me with the Strigons."

Off to the corner of my vision, I spot a man walking along the highway strip. A closer look reveals that it's the newcomer. I throw my arm up and wave, remembering there was something I wanted to say to him.

"Yeah. I was about the same. But man, remember Pasternak? He was like a big brother."

Out of the corner of his eye, something begins to move sporadically.  Anatoliy turns to face it, and sees a man sitting with a few others waving.  He looks around, he couldn't be waving at anyone else.  He walks over to the group, still absent mindedly looking around as he approaches them.  He faces the man that was waving, giving his own head a quick jerk back as he says, "'Sup?"