Author Topic: Tompson Drama - An Ever So Bothersome Force  (Read 16442 times)

So, if you are not aware, there was a pretty big stupid-fest in the Nienhaus topic today about furries and anime. And one of the people in the fight was Tompson of course. I casually squeezed out of the argument earlier in the day to go hang out with my family and play some games.

After a few hours my family and i decided to take some time and watch a movie. Shortly after starting the movie we got a call from a skype number. Long story short, it was Tompson. He made 2 calls then stopped, and has threatened to or has given out my number.

Skype chat. [ Pacha has confirmed it was Tompson calling me. As well as voice confirmation. ] { A little is cut out, he will most likely post it here. It was me tending to his wants to get him to cooperate }
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[7:22:18 PM] Vincent The Guy: What can i do for you to stop calling my house.
[7:22:21 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: sure you don't forget animals
[7:22:27 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: also I didn't call you
[7:22:35 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: find some other forgeter to pin it on
[7:22:41 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: you disgusting zoophile
[7:22:49 PM] Vincent The Guy: Do not.
[7:22:53 PM] Vincent The Guy: Call My House.
[7:22:55 PM] Vincent The Guy: Again.
[7:23:13 PM] Vincent The Guy: Tell all your friends.
[7:23:18 PM] Vincent The Guy: That if they have a problem with me.
[7:23:20 PM] Vincent The Guy: Come to me here.
[7:23:28 PM] Vincent The Guy: I'll be waiting.
[7:24:27 PM] Vincent The Guy: Now several people say it's you.
[7:24:29 PM] Vincent The Guy: Great.
[7:24:34 PM] Vincent The Guy: Lets settle this like men.
[7:24:38 PM] Vincent The Guy: Talk
[7:25:03 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: wasn't me
[7:25:07 PM] Vincent The Guy: Talk to me tom.
[7:25:17 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: Talk to meme?
[7:25:24 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: no thanks
[7:25:46 PM] Vincent The Guy: Tom, don't call my house.
[7:25:52 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: why
[7:25:54 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: I mean
[7:25:59 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: it wasn't me
[7:26:02 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: yeah
[7:26:04 PM] Vincent The Guy: It was tom.
[7:26:09 PM] Tom Obamatologist MD: whos that
[7:26:16 PM] Vincent The Guy: "James"
[7:26:29 PM] James: Whos that
[7:26:33 PM] James: I'm toms friend
[7:26:35 PM] James: james
[7:26:37 PM] James: from school
[7:26:41 PM] Vincent The Guy: I am spending time with my family.
[7:26:49 PM] Vincent The Guy: And you're calling my house and being an idiot.
[7:26:57 PM] James: me?
[7:27:01 PM] James: hurtful words
[7:27:08 PM] James: why would you accuse me of that
[7:27:43 PM] Vincent The Guy: Because, you, all of what you are and who you are, do this for entertainment.
[7:27:57 PM] Vincent The Guy: I've been working all week.
[7:28:10 PM] Vincent The Guy: I have not seen my family for this long for a week.
[7:28:10 PM] James: no I use my wii for entertainment
[7:28:16 PM] Vincent The Guy: And you come on in
[7:28:23 PM] Vincent The Guy: and just decide
[7:28:24 PM] James: James had to go
[7:28:26 PM] Philipe: it's me
[7:28:27 PM] Philipe: philie
[7:28:29 PM] Vincent The Guy: it's good time to harass me.
[7:28:32 PM] Philipe: from work
[7:28:39 PM] Vincent The Guy: Will you stop being an idiot.
[7:28:46 PM] Philipe: how loving dare you
[7:28:54 PM] Philipe: I work all month
[7:28:58 PM] Philipe: for a measly paycheck
[7:29:03 PM] Philipe: to support 2 babies
[7:29:06 PM] Vincent The Guy: Listen. Thompson.
[7:29:15 PM] Philipe: I'm philipe
[7:29:38 PM] Vincent The Guy: Thompson.
[7:29:41 PM] Vincent The Guy: Just
[7:29:42 PM] Philipe: philipe
[7:29:43 PM] Vincent The Guy: Stop.
[7:29:50 PM] Philipe: I'm not thompson
[7:29:53 PM] Philipe: I'm philipe
[7:30:45 PM] Philipe: Ok I'm back
[7:30:57 PM] Philipe: It's me tom
[7:31:12 PM] Vincent The Guy: Can you just not call me.
[7:31:28 PM] Joey: I didn't call you
[7:31:36 PM] Joey: I think tom did
[7:31:41 PM] Joey: it's just a hunch
[7:32:01 PM] Joey: are you there
[7:32:05 PM] Joey: hello?
[7:32:31 PM] Vincent The Guy: Can you behave like an actual human being for more than five seconds so we can settle this like such?
[7:32:45 PM] Joey: How loving dare you
[7:32:52 PM] Joey: Insult me
[7:32:56 PM] Joey: IN MY OWN HOME
[7:33:30 PM] Vincent The Guy: Thompson.
[7:33:48 PM] Joey: joey
[7:33:57 PM] Vincent The Guy: I apologize for being a richard today. But this is not a proper reaction to an argument in a drama thread.
[7:34:17 PM] Joey: I don't accept your apology
[7:34:22 PM] Joey: Tom is crying
[7:34:22 PM] Joey: right now
[7:34:41 PM] Vincent The Guy: Listen. I'm being as nice as i can to someone who is harassing me and my family.
[7:34:56 PM] Joey: who
[7:35:17 PM] Vincent The Guy: How about you stop with your fake MPD and just talk to me.
[7:35:30 PM] Joey: HOW DARE YOU
[7:35:33 PM] Joey: INSULT ME
[7:35:35 PM] Joey: IN MY OWN HOME
[7:35:50 PM] Vincent The Guy: Listen.
[7:36:00 PM] Vincent The Guy: Please. Just stop.
[7:36:04 PM] Joey: no
[7:36:06 PM] Joey: I mean
[7:36:07 PM] Joey: What?
[7:36:28 PM] Vincent The Guy: Why do you insist on continuing this if it's only going to get you as far as nowhere?
[7:36:39 PM] Vincent The Guy: Clearly you're just pissing the rest of my family off.
[7:36:49 PM] Joey: bonus
[7:36:54 PM] Joey: I mean
[7:37:01 PM] Joey: sorry to hear that
[7:37:08 PM] Joey: ;)
[7:37:26 PM] Vincent The Guy: No Tom. We were just watching a movie for the first time in forever and you decided to come along and make me come up here and deal with it.
[7:38:02 PM] Joey: what movie
[7:38:34 PM] Vincent The Guy: Stand By Me. The classic of course. A respectable American film.
[7:38:54 PM] Joey: that movie sucks
[7:39:08 PM] Vincent The Guy: Great, you have an opinion.
[7:39:26 PM] Joey: swhen they find the body
[7:39:27 PM] Joey: it sucks
[7:39:43 PM | Edited 7:39:49 PM] Vincent The Guy: Well of course, the whole movie is a downer.
[7:39:56 PM] Joey: just like your existance
[7:40:03 PM] Vincent The Guy: True, true.
[7:40:19 PM] Joey: admitting to it is the first step you beastophiliac
[7:40:37 PM] Vincent The Guy: Still never forgeted an animal Tom.
[7:40:47 PM] Joey: joey
[7:41:11 PM] Joey: why did you delete me
[7:41:18 PM] Joey: don't you want to resolve this issue
[7:41:29 PM] Vincent The Guy: I didn't delete you.
[7:41:46 PM] Vincent The Guy: Lets resolve the issue.
[7:41:56 PM] Joey: ok
[7:42:00 PM] Joey: tom says
[7:42:07 PM] Joey: if you want to apologize
[7:42:21 PM] Joey: you have to go in the drama
[7:42:27 PM] Joey: and say it is disgusting
[7:42:32 PM] Joey: and that you're disgusting
[7:42:38 PM] Joey: then tom will forgive you
[7:42:46 PM] Joey: ok?!
[7:42:54 PM] Joey: (flex)(puke)
[7:43:12 PM] Vincent The Guy: listen
[7:43:26 PM] Vincent The Guy: How do i know
[7:43:36 PM] Vincent The Guy: if i do this, will you even consider stopping?
[7:44:01 PM] Vincent The Guy: You already have my house number.
[7:44:12 PM] Vincent The Guy: And i know the way you act.
[7:44:57 PM] Joey: you won't know you have to take his word for it
[7:45:21 PM] Vincent The Guy: Last time someone took "Tom's word for it" the calls went on for another week.
[7:45:50 PM] Joey: he says: would you rather have the alternitive
[7:46:03 PM] Joey: maybe other people would want to call you
[7:46:09 PM] Joey: ???
[7:46:24 PM] Vincent The Guy: Of course, this is the most mature outcome.
[7:46:39 PM] Joey: do you want it or not
[7:47:06 PM] Vincent The Guy: Fine.
[7:47:10 PM] Vincent The Guy: Tom.
[7:48:15 PM] Vincent The Guy: but first, i require one small tab of info
[7:48:25 PM] Joey: whos
[7:48:42 PM] Vincent The Guy: Where'd you get my number. It's literally impossible to find.
[7:48:55 PM] Joey: not as much as youd think
[7:49:16 PM] Vincent The Guy: Well, was is sourcing back to the DotDottriangle incident.
[7:49:23 PM] Vincent The Guy: Or was it a name search.
[7:49:31 PM] Vincent The Guy: I really must know.
[7:49:58 PM] Joey: hmm
[7:50:07 PM] Joey: quite the conundrum friend
[7:50:35 PM] Joey: Spokeo
[7:51:16 PM] Vincent The Guy: whos name did you use?
[7:51:34 PM] Vincent The Guy: Let alone what info
[7:51:35 PM] Joey: you asked where not how
[7:51:40 PM] Vincent The Guy: Well
[7:52:46 PM] Joey: Now or never
[7:53:08 PM] Vincent The Guy: You need to prove that you will not disclose my info to anyone nor use it ever again.
[7:53:21 PM] Joey: Tom's word A++
[7:53:41 PM] Vincent The Guy: One last question.
[7:54:00 PM] Joey: shoot pal
[7:54:08 PM] Vincent The Guy: To tom of course.
[7:54:13 PM] Joey: Yes
[7:54:32 PM] Vincent The Guy: Would his first name just happen to be Austin? I've always felt quite like that fit, nice name too.
[b][7:54:37 PM] Vincent The Guy: Just a really old hunch.
[7:54:43 PM] Joey: the dox
[7:54:46 PM] Joey: has been dropped
[7:55:02 PM] Vincent The Guy: Nah, someone from blockland told me, lol.
[7:55:07 PM] Joey: how did you know?
[7:55:11 PM] Joey: who
[7:55:20 PM] Vincent The Guy: There are like 12 people messaging me right now.
[7:55:25 PM] Vincent The Guy: One on a blank skype
[7:55:28 PM] Joey: who
[7:55:40 PM] Vincent The Guy: I don't know
[7:55:51 PM] Vincent The Guy: He doesn't want you to know apparently
[7:55:59 PM] Joey: Tell me
[7:56:09 PM] Joey: Or I'll send the number
[7:56:12 PM] Vincent The Guy: I really don't know tom. If i knew i would tell you.
[7:56:25 PM] Joey: To literally everone who hates you
[7:56:30 PM] Vincent The Guy: I'm trying to help you just as much as you are trying to hate me.
[7:56:42 PM] Vincent The Guy: He has my info as well
[7:56:47 PM] Vincent The Guy: Right down to my location
[7:56:48 PM] Joey: Who
[7:56:51 PM] Joey: Screenshot
[7:57:31 PM] Vincent The Guy: It's a name that is a bunch of numbers
[7:57:38 PM] Joey: Screenshot
[7:57:42 PM] Vincent The Guy: Fine then
[7:58:54 PM] Joey: whats taking so long
[7:59:13 PM] Vincent The Guy: Well, my family is using netflix. We have pretty bad internet
[8:00:03 PM] Vincent The Guy: forget man, i cannot upload it to anything.
[8:00:18 PM] Vincent The Guy: He's also threatening my number.
[8:00:25 PM] Joey: Right click veiw profile skype name
[8:00:31 PM] Joey: tell me his skype name
[8:01:05 PM] Vincent The Guy: he changed it from the original
[8:01:13 PM] Vincent The Guy: trying to get the original
[8:01:21 PM] Joey: right click view profile
[8:01:30 PM] Joey: you can't change account name
[8:01:46 PM] Vincent The Guy: Well i mean the username
[8:01:54 PM] Joey: I don't want that
[8:01:58 PM] Joey: I want account name
[8:02:26 PM] Joey:
[8:02:28 PM] Joey: that
[8:02:32 PM] Vincent The Guy: alright
[8:02:46 PM] Vincent The Guy: this is a stolen account he's using
[8:02:56 PM] Joey: give it to me anyways
[8:03:05 PM] Joey: why are you so reluctant to give it to me
[8:03:22 PM] Vincent The Guy: batuhan401
[8:04:08 PM] Joey: how do you know it's stolen
[8:04:47 PM] Vincent The Guy: Because i know the guy who owns the account and he's not from blockland nor does he know you
[8:05:07 PM] Joey: how do you know it's stolen
[8:05:15 PM] Vincent The Guy: I just told you
[8:05:28 PM] Joey: How do you know it isn't the original owner
[8:05:54 PM] Vincent The Guy: he was an old D&D pal, only knew my usernames
[8:06:00 PM] Vincent The Guy: never played blockland
[8:06:07 PM] Joey: how is this relevant
[8:06:11 PM] Vincent The Guy: maybe knew a few members
[8:06:18 PM] Joey: [8:05 PM] Joey:

<<< How do you know it isn't the original owner
[8:06:18 PM] Joey: ( (flag:gb)  [6:05:27 PM] Joey: How do you know it isn't the original owner

<<< )
[8:06:43 PM] Vincent The Guy: Because the original owner of the account has been offline for 2 years and the account just started talking to me.
[8:07:01 PM] Joey: That doesn't explain anything
[8:07:04 PM] Joey: did he tell you?
[8:07:27 PM] Vincent The Guy: All i know is that the account is under the control of someone from blockland.
[8:07:30 PM] Joey: did the person say they stole the account
[8:07:32 PM] Vincent The Guy: That's all i know
[8:07:46 PM] Joey: I thought the username was a bunch of numbers
[8:07:52 PM] Joey: Also this person doesn't speak english
[8:07:56 PM] Joey: I added him
[8:08:10 PM] Vincent The Guy: He set it back a bit ago and stopped talking.
[8:08:10 PM] Joey: what kind of piss poor facade is this
[8:08:23 PM] Joey: Yeah you're lying
[8:08:26 PM] Vincent The Guy: No i'm not
[8:08:32 PM] Joey: This is complete bullstuff
[8:08:40 PM] Joey: even the most autistic of people could see that
[8:09:10 PM] Joey: You have 1 minute to post what tom said or I'm sending the number
[8:09:30 PM] Vincent The Guy: Fine then
[8:09:39 PM] Joey: times a wastin
[8:09:56 PM] Joey: 30 seconds
[8:10:00 PM] Vincent The Guy: doing it tom
[8:10:06 PM] Joey: hurry up
[8:10:30 PM] Vincent The Guy: Done
[8:10:51 PM] Joey: what a shame you where too late
[8:11:03 PM] Joey: thanks for the entertainment
[8:11:12 PM] Joey: brace your phone line
[8:11:12 PM] Vincent The Guy: Good, i hope i get lots of calls tonight
[8:11:24 PM] Joey: maybe you can finally get some firends[/b]

The last bit was stalling while i talked to whoever was providing me with more info on Tom. Who also had info on me, but actually didn't threaten to use it.

Overall, Tompson is calling my personal home phone over an argument on a forum.

You can also discuss his behavior in other parts of the forum here if you want.

him or his clique called my house as well, before
its best to avoid them

him or his clique called my house as well, before
its best to avoid them
I know, but doing it for an argument in drama is just unheard of.

yeah he's a-logging, the fedora avatar is a bit appropriate i suppose

him or his clique called my house as well, before
its best to avoid them
vincent kind of inevitably got led into him in that topic sadly enough

I know, but doing it for an argument in drama is just unheard of.
welcome to the internet, i guess
nothing really unexpected anymore

this is why you don't give your phone numbers out on the internet in the modern day.

remember when they told you not give your phone number out because of personal safety? well now its dont give your phone number out because someone might order you forgetton of pizzas or strippers or jahovas.

yeah he's a-logging, the fedora avatar is a bit appropriate i suppose
A bit, lol. Though i do have his info, i'm going to be an adult about it and just keep it in case of emergency. I was going to be a richard, but i decided to be nice.

this is why you don't give your phone numbers out on the internet in the modern day.

remember when they told you not give your phone number out because of personal safety? well now its dont give your phone number out because someone might order you forgetton of pizzas or strippers or jahovas.
Didn't give it out bud.

just gonna point out here im not involved

i was confirming for vinny because i told tom not to do it and he did it anyways (yeah and believe it or not lando said he didnt want tom to do it either)

yep. multiple personality disorder.

Didn't give it out bud.
how else would have they got it? facebook?

how else would have they got it? facebook?
Those dumb loving websites that gather personal info. One of my other family members must have said it somewhere.

Those dumb loving websites that gather personal info. One of my other family members must have said it somewhere.
tompson must be committed on a day-by-day info hunt on you then to go over every member of your family to find your phone number lol.

any calls yet?

is he messaging you more?

yep. multiple personality disorder.
i dont think you have your mental disorders straight
i think what you're thinking of is antisocial personality disorder