Author Topic: how did you find blockland  (Read 8501 times)

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My friend introduced me to Blockland.

My brother and I played Age of Time, when we decided we should search for other games made by Badspot.

My twin brother told me about it in late-2007, and I also saw Blockland ads a lot on flash game sites. I got the full game last year. I've loved Blockland ever since.

I was playing Roblox and people were arguing about this game called Blockland so I looked it up.

A friend of mine on Lego Universe (Don't judge me, I used to love that game) left for a while. Afterwards, he came back, and he said he had been busy playing Blockland. I finally started playing when he said there were rocket shoes.

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Good times...  I occasionally go back and play powder toy.

There was this website back in 2007 which I used to find games, I think I googled "Online multiplayer games"
No idea what the site was called, doubt I'll ever find it again.

Used to be fairly active in the Minecraft community, saw them arguing about how it compared to Roblox and this game called Blockland I'd never heard of before back in 2010. Decided to look it up, and ended up making an impulse buy. Don't regret it one bit, probably have like 300 hours logged xD

My brother introduced me to it and then I spent the next six months trying to unpackage addons and maps to work with the game. Best six months of my life!

I was streaming thru youtube for some lego houses.

Why to buy Blockland 2 by Tonex. (incorrect spelling?)