Author Topic: Racerboy - Hypocritical Spammer  (Read 5982 times)

overall i think racerboy isnt a bad guy persay, althought he can be very "bad" in our frequent roleplays on Pass' drpg server

refer to avatar for reaction, slap self and/or envision "face-palm" for emphasis

Rofl, I don't want an avatar -.-.

Rofl, I don't want an avatar -.-.

i do believe you completely misunderstood everything about my post


i do believe you completely misunderstood everything about my post
He's ignorant, naive and misunderstands everything. Don't bother.

Racerboy how could you?
in my experiences with racerboy, he seems to do things like this often

in my experiences with racerboy, he seems to do things like this often
Exactly. Racerboy is a huge richardweed and I'd suggest staying away from him.

racerboy is fun to play against and talk stuff to

^ Pretty much. Teasing him is a joke if you know what topic to get him on.