Author Topic: suggest good movies to me pls??  (Read 5982 times)

Death Race 1 through inferno

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is my favorite Studio Ghibli movie though.

Nausicaa was before Ghibli, just sayin'

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Birdemic.

Why does nearly everyone say this? I thought it was pretty good
although I haven't seen the original so if its something like they screwed with the story I could get it then
Like the new judge dredd was a shame to the original I think
The total recall in my opinion was pretty bad. Its pretty much your modern action day action film that lacks story qualities of the original. I good make an essay long rant about how bad it is.

I'm going to you old and some new stuff that I think is worth watching.

Cyber Punk Stuff:
Ghost in Shell
Blade Runner

Other Anime movies that have probably been recommended all ready:
Princess Monoke
Nausica Valley of the Wind
A good majority of the Miyazaki movies
Jin-Roh is pretty good from what I hear

War Movies:
All Quiet on the Western Front
Hamburger Hill
Letters from Iwo Jima

Movies to watch with friends because you make fun of them:
Balls of Fury
Act of Valor
Dorkness Rising

Serious Movie:
American History X
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 03:40:51 AM by Harm94 »

Star Trek: The Original Series (80 episodes)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (178 episodes)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (176 episodes)
Star Trek: Voyager (172 episodes)
Star Trek: Enterprise (98 episodes)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: Insurrection
Star Trek: Nemesis

I don't like star trek :(
The Hunger Games + The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
that girl was a lot better in the second movie than the first imo

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Birdemic.
really good movie op should watch it


dracula 3000

fugitive alien

Movies to watch with friends because you make fun of them:
Balls of Fury
Act of Valor
Dorkness Rising
What? Act of valor was great what's there to make fun of

You should watch the last airbender!

I'm just joking...

The Mist
28 Days Later
Dawn of the Dead
The Abyss
Super 8
Wargames (1984 version)
The Book of Eli
The Langoliers

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Birdemic.
Just did lol.