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Author Topic: Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Total War - time for some REAL nation rp  (Read 53447 times)

Scotland allows Denmark the have the island north-east above scotland

Politcial Update Time

The Czar of Russia changes the government on the people behalf to a constitutional monarchy, and assembles a congress/parliament of law makers from different oblasts of Russia. The Czar aslo gives temporary full operational authority to a supreme commander as so that the military would not be disrupted by this.

Russia expands from Newfoundland to Canada.

Production sees another high point and many of these new "flintlocks" are produced, but not deployed.

Russia offers to send a regiment of riflemen to Scotland, subsequently breaking its treaty with England.

The rest of the Russian military has been rearmed and hand to hand weapons have been completely phased out of normal infantry.

Scotland urgently accepts and deploys them immediately, it sends 4 units of musketmen into an english city on the coast and calls for a naval unit to attack it.

England starts to inquisition Protestantism by purging Protestants. This is because the Queen returns and seizes the throne from the King who is in Australia.

England declares unconditional peace and wants this Crusade to stop.

all you have to do to end the crusade is purge all protestants, officially inquisition protestantism, and then declare an unconditional peace (you get nothing)

unless you wanna keep being in war, then that's your decision

I tried to give you some leeway
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 08:47:41 PM by Swat 3 »

The regiment is sent to Scotland and turned over to temporary Scottish control. A frigate and two smaller ships have been provided for naval gunfire support.

Spanish troops push all the way through the English Americas before hearing of peace proposals. Same with Africa.

because france called the crusade into action, france will have to be the ones to delegate on your proposal for peace

until then, this crusade is in full flex

Scotland sends out scouts and resistance groups to kill English units, they manage to find archers and get them while they are sleeping, Scotland calls back some cannon units from the territories in France and loving urge people to help me.
This is stupid, because why would you send scouts into the back lines. They would be hiding without any fire to warm them.

English soldiers get the news and the Rangers who are commanding them put up large white flags.

(guys I promise to stop being "stupid" if you all please get off my back. I am pretty stressed because exams and shouldn't even be typing this right now)

We help the Russian push into Poland.

We help the Russian push into Poland.

Agreed. What do you wish in return?

My terms are as follows: I will end the crusade if you give me your remaining land on mainland Europe, give Scotland your remaining land in Ireland, and give Spain your remaining land in North America.

the russians are adjacent to warsaw territory

poland will fall next state of affairs

I do not agree with the American colony (and besides, history says that the 13 colonies of America is basically Britian!!!)

I will give Scotland the majority of the land in Ireland, but not all of it. I also wish the keep the coastal land points on the English coast, but you can have the rest.

Alrighty amigo

Spanish soldiers keep fighting in Africa and North America. Soldiers in mainland Europe are pulled back to Madrid.