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Author Topic: Endangered Species (apocalypse) Roleplay  (Read 3413 times)

This is a stuffty logo I found on google so if someone wants to make me a good one I'd love you.

Okay Endangered Species take 2.
About a year or so ago (or maybe like half a year Idk) I was literally a day away from hosting this and my computer shut down and wouldn't turn on and long story short my hard-drive went ded and I lost everything. Now I finally have a build ready again and I have it saved on a flashdrive ;)
Let's get to it!

Endangered Species is a serious roleplay server that's set in 'post-apocalyptic'
Mid-Western U.S.

A quick overview of the history/lore:
(I'm feeling really lazy right now so I'm not going to get specific)
In the winter (about four months before the RP starts) an airborne plague swept through most parts of the U.S. When infected with this plague, a human's brain (as well as the central nervous system and the heart) would 'reboot' after death (taking anywhere from mere minutes to almost a day) and the human would return as a mindless body that only craved meat. (ya zombs) Unfortunately humans seemed to be the most available form of meat. The ones who weren't devoured after being bitten, contracted a terrible illness that would rapidly dehydrate the victim until their death, resulting in another infected. After a few weeks of the initial plague spread, this second disease was transmitted through the water. Within the first two months 200 million fell to either the disease, an infected, or another form of the chaos sweeping the nation. Communication with any remaining form of organized government was rare, as they dispersed to help themselves or their families. A military force was made to maintain order and prevent the remaining civilians from killing each other and destroying the country out of fear and organization. Many tried to flea the country but airlines were abandoned and major ports had been bombed by the military as a last hope to quarantine the plague. Try as they might, the military couldn't fully combat the chaos and the country fell into a barren state. It's said that 108 days after the initial report of the plague, a mysterious and utterly brutal military force was seen in several areas across the East Coast, murdering any survivors in sight. There is an extremely minute amount of information on this organization and many think it was just another sect of the Military but they exchanged in firefights so even the Military doesn't know anything about them. Their goal is to leave none alive wherever they go, and the survivors have spread the name of The Terrorists. Four months after the initial plague spread no one knows how many people are left. The military remains posted in areas of survivors, living off of supplies sent by some apparent leadership.
Our story begins in a small town that used to be the home of some peace loving people, now forced to fight to survive. Several survivors -some have come from far away- hide away in the local ice cream shop as a force of Military and dedicated police officers try to rid the area of the infection (even if that means shooting anyone who coughs, so to speak) and keep the survivors in line. The ones in the ice cream shop know better than to let themselves get caught by the military, but their hiding place wont last long......
(So begins the pilot session of the survivors escaping the town into the forest)

The three main forces are the Survivors, Military, and Terrorists. (Separate survivor groups may form later to join or combat the military or something, who knows?)

The survivors (everyone who didn't fall to the plague and who's also not military or terrorist) are a very diverse group. Some travel in groups, some prefer to only take care of themselves. Either way, they all fight a hard battle- the battle of survival. If they didn't have enough to worry about regarding food, water, and shelter, the infected, other hostile survivors, and the Military will make sure they don't have an easy life.
The survivors are the only playable class for starting players.

The military is the remains of any form of government, and are a somewhat ragtag militia, but they have a lot of power due to their relative organization and effective weapons. They're not always prevalent, but when they are they do their best to govern the survivors as best they can, often resulting in conflict. Their true purpose is to keep the chaos at bay and to defend against the terrorists.

Not much is known about the terrorists, as they make few appearances and leave behind no information. They're a hostile group and their sole purpose is apparently to kill all survivors. They come and go swiftly but they make their presence known, as they kill all they can without mercy. Much about them is hidden behind their armor. They are a surprisingly organized and uniform group for one with such a seemingly barbaric cause. Their organization but scarcity suggests that they are dispersed around the region or perhaps the entire country.

Rules: The rules are posted in the spawn area and I'm not going to repeat them here, but know that if they are broken the punishments are harsh. I'm quite a lenient person but I'm not very forgiving, and like every admin I have to be relatively strict to maintain a fun server for the people who actually deserve it.
In other words pretty much all bans are permanent, but if you correct yourself you can talk to me or another admin and it might be repealed.
One of the most important rules is the New Life Rule (NLR).
If you die you die. That character is done. Doesn't matter how you died, make a new character. Don't get so attached to characters that you can't accept it when they die. Dying will be common if you're not careful about how you survive. I realize it's hard to make a character and it's much harder to let one go, but NLR ensures fair roleplay and makes events unexpected. And don't think that just because there's NLR that no character will live long. Some may last the entire story (which has no real end yet) There are a few exceptions including if you're killed outside of roleplay, for example if you're randomly killed by some nooby douche-bag.
Another important rule is participating in fair combat. It's real-time, but killing a player (like actually killing their player model) is illegal. I understand accidents happen, but you only need to shoot a player ONCE to incapacitate them. This means, if you're shot, you MUST roleplay it. don't take a bullet and keep shooting. That doesn't mean your character is dead, but you're at least wounded. So stop fighting. This is a very important rule that if followed well, demonstrates your competence and gains you my respect.
And obviously don't be an starfish and go around shooting people with no legitimate reason. You should be very hesitant to shoot or hurt anyone ever.
Roleplay realistically
The rest of the rules can be read in the spawn zone.

You don't have to, but you can post character bios in the comments cuz it's fun! Write their information and post their inventory (you can use http://innawoods.net/)

I built this entirely by myself. ye (edit: Ragequit built a trashcan and some trash!!!! also daveman built some terrain!)
Special thanks to arbys, Daveman, and Ragequit for moral support :)

I plan on hosting this weekend! I'll make a poll on the best hosting day!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 02:49:08 PM by Kiro »

post pictures of the build

Nice to see you've finally got this ready!

the thread title makes me think its a bunch of guys pretending to be animals or something xd

zombs are cool though

tl;dr pls?

Post Apocalyptic Roleplay.  Has good rules that would make a fun server if people actually followed them (which is a stretch).  There are civilians that are protected by the military but harassed by terrorists.

okay so i thought it was like WB and blu-zone and that other supr srs rp server but i guess it isn't.

post pictures of the build
forget yer mom

Nice to see you've finally got this ready!
:D yeah I hope it goes well! I'm excited

the thread title makes me think its a bunch of guys pretending to be animals or something xd

zombs are cool though
lol good call

This sounds so stupid
thx for the constructive criticism xXDeadwolf456Xx!
Really cool name by the way!

Post Apocalyptic Roleplay.  Has good rules that would make a fun server if people actually followed them (which is a stretch).  There are civilians that are protected by the military but harassed by terrorists.
Thanks man. Regarding the rules being followed, punishment is swift and harsh and there are a handful of cool, good roleplayers who are the people I want to give a good time. The others wont really be a problem at all.

tl;dr pls?
It pretty much starts out kinda like The Walking Dead with an active Military, and turns into something that looks a lot like The Last of Us.

okay so i thought it was like WB and blu-zone and that other supr srs rp server but i guess it isn't.
What do you mean?

What do you mean?
one of those servers where the rules are super strict and the map is only there for showcasing basicly zombies are just a road block and the roleplaying is the only part of the server that is really focused on and super strict and if you don't follow the rules you are perma banned or it's whitelisted and just isn't fun.

Has good rules that would make a fun server if people actually followed them (which is a stretch).
forget yer mom

All hope in this server is lost.

one of those servers where the rules are super strict and the map is only there for showcasing basicly zombies are just a road block and the roleplaying is the only part of the server that is really focused on and super strict and if you don't follow the rules you are perma banned or it's whitelisted and just isn't fun.
Well roleplay is definitely the main focus. I mean it is a roleplay.
But the bottom line is if you follow the rules and roleplay well you should have a great time. If you don't then it's not the server for you.
And the issue with zombies not being a threat is fixed with the NLR.

All hope in this server is lost.
Are you serious? Like, why post that? Are you seriously giving me a hard time because I didn't join SPO? I'm not going to answer a guys question -hell, it wasn't even a question. He just flat out told me to show him the build. If he doesn't even care to ask nicely why should I give a stuff about what he thinks? I'm not going to become his bitch and just do what he says if he's an ass about it.
There's a gallery topic showcasing half the build, and I'll get around to posting the other half eventually but to me there's really no other way to respond to a post like that than forget yer mom tbh

Well roleplay is definitely the main focus. I mean it is a roleplay.
But the bottom line is if you follow the rules and roleplay well you should have a great time. If you don't then it's not the server for you.
And the issue with zombies not being a threat is fixed with the NLR.
No don't do this don't make it like every other big roleplay server recently.
you got Zombies
Strict ass rules
it's not gonna be fun like when in winter bite they removed all weapons and the zombies would kill you and piss you off and ruin the fun

No don't do this don't make it like every other big roleplay server recently.
you got Zombies
Strict ass rules
it's not gonna be fun like when in winter bite they removed all weapons and the zombies would kill you and piss you off and ruin the fun
I really don't understand what you'd like me to change. If there weren't strict rules (and they're not even that strict really...) then it would just turn into a deathmatch with occasional stuffty roleplay that was just fighting and character deaths every minute.
Also zombies will be pretty rare as of now.
I used to hate hearing it, but you don't need guns to roleplay. They can help, but it's not a DM server it's a roleplay server. There will be weapons, but if you're looking to kill people or just use all of your time killing zombies and refusing to roleplay just find a different server I guess. I don't know what to tell you.

Don't make it roleplay based it will turn into the other servers.